Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part Twenty-One

A/N: Banners would be very nice...

The halls were crowded as I ran past many shocked expressions.

Where are they?!

Suddenly the late bell rang causing the late stragglers to rush to their assigned classes. It became easier to maneuver the hallways as the crowds cleared. A few people waved hello or smiled at me as I shoved my way past.

I ignored them.

I had to find Frank.

He wasn't the most popular boy in school. Not many people liked him. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised that most of the male population would like to jump him. However, I knew some of them would take these rumors more personally then others. Like Josh and Greg for example. They would, most definitely, take it more personally.

I continued to run, ignoring the increasing pain in my leg. They had to be somewhere in this school. Greg and Josh weren't stupid so they would try and find some secluded area. That’s when it hit me.

The senior hallway!

I sped up my pace.

Soon I could hear faint voices. They all sounded hostile. I rounded a corner and the voices became clearer. Actually, it was shouting and it was becoming clearer the closer I got. I was panting now, a stitch forming in my side.

God I hate running

Finally, I saw a group of three boys standing around something. Upon closer inspection, I saw a huddled figure on the floor. My heart leapt into my throat. The figures continued to hit, batter, kick, scream and spit at the figure as he lay upon the ground. An unexplainable rage grew within me as a charged at them.

"STOP!" I yelled.

Two boys turned to look at me as I ran towards them. Their expressions were of slight shock. Suddenly I spotted Greg who had picked up Frank and pinned him to the wall. Frank kicked his he feet and gasped for air.

"Greg!" I screamed. He turned his face, which was an inch from Frank's, to look in my direction. When he saw it was I, a look of shame crossed his features. However, it soon turned to rage as he pushed harder on Frank. I skidded to a stop, nearly crashing into Greg's towering frame.

"Greg," I panted. "Put him down now." I tried regaining my composure but it was proving difficult as the hallway was spinning. Slowly, Greg lowered Frank to the ground. However, he did not let go.

"Let him go Greg," I said.


"Let him go," I growled.

"No." Greg snarled.

"Let him go now!" I said, furry lacing my words.

"No!" he screamed. I jumped. Greg had never been this mad at me and it scared me.

"Greg," I said softly, "Let him go." I saw the internal struggle in his brown eyes. I felt the other boys' eyes burning into us as the waiting for his resolve. I stood firm.
Greg hesitated for a moment before spitting at Frank and letting him fall to the ground. Immediately I was at Frank's side to see if he was alright. He brushed me off rudely before attempting to stand. He fell down again making the group of boys laugh and taunt him. All except for Greg who stood still, looming over Frank and me. The boys continued to mock Frank. A glare from me shushed them all. Slowly I reached forward a hand to see if he was okay but slapped my hand away,

"Get the fuck away from me," he growled. I obliged but not before Greg slammed him again.

"Don't you touch her you fucking piece of shit!" he screamed. He continued to push him up against the wall. I tried to reach him, to make him stop, but Josh and Brian held me back. I struggled in their grasps but it was pointless. They were ten times stronger than I was. Instead, I settled for yelling.

"Greg! Stop!"

He ignored me.

"STOP!" I yelled once more.

He ignored me.

"DAMN IT GREG! STOP NOW!" he hesitated for a moment, panting heavily. I sighed in relief. It was short lived as Greg went to hit Frank again. With great effort, I broke free of Josh and Brian's grip and fell to my knees over Frank's battered form.

"GREG STOP!" I screamed. He didn't seem to hear me as his clenched fist approached my face. Squinting my eyes and covering Frank I awaited the impact.
It never came.

Slowly I opened my eyes to see Greg's form above me, panting heavily. I began to shake at the anger he held in his eyes.

"Jamie move," he ordered. I shook my head, not being able to form words.

"Jamie," Greg said again. "Move."

"No." I replied.

"Damn it Jamie! Move!" He yelled. I shook my head no again and he snapped.

"WHY ARE YOU HELPING THIS FAGGOT? HE DESERVES TO ROT IN HELL FOR WHAT HE DID TO YOU!" I tried to explain but he continued. "I TRY AND DEFEND YOU AND YOU GO AND PROTECT THE THING THAT…THAT" He was shaking from anger, clenching and unclenching he fists. Beads of sweat dripped over his dark skin as he tried to contain himself. I stood anger racking through my body.

"That he what, Greg?" I knew what he was going to say but I wanted to hear him say it and not have me give him the idea.

"He raped you," he spat. I sat shocked before anger enveloped me.



"HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I screeched my voice reaching a new pitch.


"It means he did nothing!" My voice cracked as I said this.

"That's not what everyone else said," Greg defended pitifully.

"DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU TO ACTUALLY ASK ME BEFORE ATTACKING HIM?!" I screamed while approaching him. He faltered before trying to respond. I cut him off though. "You know that I wouldn't have let him do that to me. Besides, I highly doubt he would ever want to. You know how much we hate each other!"

"Then why are you defending him?" Brian asked.

"Because," I growled. "He did nothing wrong." A few scoffs could be heard from the group. I ignored them.

"Well then," Greg started. "Why is there a rumor going around that he tried to…" He stopped not being able to finish his sentence.

"Rape me?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "I have no idea," I responded. "But he didn't" I knelt down beside Frank who was now attempting to nurse his bleeding lip. I searched through my bag before pulling out a packet of tissues and handing one to him. He glared at my gesture. Rolling my eyes, I began to pat his lip. He shuddered away at first but I ignored this and continued. At last, he sat still as I addressed his wounds to the best of my ability.

"I still don't understand." Greg said.

"Don't understand what?" I asked. I stood and stumbled slightly, my head spinning. "Ho-"

His sentence was cut off as Gerard, Ray and Mikey came running down the hall. Brian and Josh rushed to meet them. Josh tackled Gerard who began punching at him. Ray ran to push Josh off Gerard but Brian punched him in the face. Seeming unaffected by this action, Ray punched him back. I stood in shock as the small fight continued.
My head continued to spin and images began to blur. I stumbled slightly but Greg steadied me.

"Are you okay?" He asked concern in his eyes.

"I'm not sure," I answered. "J-just…just make them stop." Greg began to refuse. "Please," I muttered pathetically. He obliged before yelling something I couldn't understand. Eventually he separated Brian and Ray who both had blood spattered about their faces but he had yet to stop Josh and Gerard from pummeling each other.

"Josh," I said. He ignored me and continued to kick at Gerard.

"Josh," My voice was louder. Although this time Gerard and pinned Josh to a wall.

"Get the fuck off each other now you imbeciles!" I screamed.

Both of them stopped fighting at my outburst. Then Greg grabbed Josh and Ray, Gerard. I was panting once more and had to close my eyes to stop the spinning. Sweat broke out over my body making me feel clammy. Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to control myself. I swiped at my face but felt something warm and wet on my hand.

Startled, I glanced down at the red substance on my hand. Once again, I felt under my nose. There was more blood. I reached down to try to find a tissue to nurse my nosebleed. Finally, I found one and held it under my nose. I pinched to bridge of my nose to stop the bleeding.

Kneeling beside Frank I asked, "Are you okay?"

He looked up at me and my eyes went wide. His face was bloodied and bruised. His hair clung to his forehead from the sweat and blood. He was wheezing too. It was then that I remembered his bruised ribs and broken leg. I then became blinded by furry. Mikey, who had approached Frank in order to help him, noticed this and tried to say something.

I ignored him.

Instead, I stood and rounded on my 'defenders'.

"What the hell is your problem?" I growled. Greg, Josh and Brian turned to face me, questioning me with their eyes. Brian went to speak but I cut him off. "He can't even walk and you attacked him!" I yelled. I saw shame wash over their features but continued my rant.

"How low is that, that you have to beat on someone who even can't defend themselves!?" I walked straight up to Greg. "And you," I pointed at him. "You should know better. If Frank, or anyone else for that matter, would have done something like that you would have been one of the first to know! You could have seriously hurt him!"

"You hate him," Josh said. "What does it matter?"

"What does it matter?" I repeated. "What does it MATTER?!" I turned to him. "What kind of dumb question is that?" I shook my head. "I'm not some cold heartless bitch, though others may disagree, that I would hurt someone who I obviously had the upper hand on!" I let out a screech of frustration. I was so angry that I could barely form words.

"I just can't believe you would do thi-"

"We were just defending you," Brian mumbled his head down. I softened.

"I know," I replied quietly. "And I appreciate that. Really, I do." I stopped and gestured to Frank. "But even though Frank and I don't get along, he would never do something like that." I paused before adding quietly, "He's not like that."

I took away the tissue from my face to see if the bleeding had stopped. It had. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I began walking towards the nearest trashcan. After discarding the soiled tissue, I began walking towards the group of angry boys. The atmosphere was tense. It was a standoff between my friends and Frank's friends. Quickly, I picked up my bag. I glanced at Frank who was still huddled on the floor with Mikey next to him.

I knelt next to him. Signaling to Mikey for help, I began to help him to his feet. Ray hurried over and took upon himself most of Frank's dead weight. Frank groaned in pain, as he was held upright. Turning towards the rest of the guys I said,

"Gerard, Brian. Go get a first aid kit." Gerard glared but obliged, as did Brian. I sighed in relief. "Thank you. We'll be in the guy's bathroom." Gerard and Brian nodded and began to stalk down the hallway at opposite sides. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity. I then turned to Ray and Greg who were holding up Frank.

"Can you move him into the bathroom?" I asked.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Jame," Mikey presented. "His leg is still broken."

I sighed knowing he was right. We might hurt him more by dragging him. I glanced around the hallway in desperation. The door to the senior lounge caught my attention. I ran slash limped to the room and grabbed the nearest desk chair. Rolling it towards them, I smiled. Ray and Greg understood my intentions and gently placed Frank into the chair. Carefully the four of us rolled him to the nearest bathroom. Once we reached the door, the boys hesitated. Irritated, I sighed while blowing my bangs out of my face.

"What?" I asked. "Is the door locked or something?"

"Umm…no," Mikey replied.

"Well then," I began, "What's the problem?" I crossed my arms over my dark green top.

"It’s the boys room," Greg said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh like you've never been in the girl's locker room," I said sarcastically. Pushing past them I proceeded to open the door and usher them inside. They obliged while Greg retaliated.

"That's not fair! It was only once," I scoffed at this. "and it was on accident!"


Guys are such morons…
♠ ♠ ♠
Part twenty-one! And it was within two days!
Amazing I know!
Plus I have seventeen subscribers!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
I can't believe how much positive feedback I've been getting back from this story. I'm so glad you all like it so much!
Comments are still very much needed. They make my day.
And a HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN to Sienabean!
Thanks so much for your support!
