Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

Part Twenty-two


Amazing banner by Kennedy. ! Seriously, thank you soo much! Its gorgeous!

I grimaced looking at Frank's split lip and swollen eye. Greg had really done a job on him. Frank's upper lip was bruised and bloodied; the area around it turning a nasty shade of purple. It almost matched the color of Frank's left eye, which looked like someone had taken dark eye shadow and smeared it all over his face.

"Mikey," I said. "Could you give me a wet paper towel?"

He nodded and quickly walked over towards the sinks. Greg and Josh brushed past him and came to stand on either side of me. Crossing their arms, they glared at Frank, attempting to be intimidating. He seemed to notice this and squirmed slightly in his seat.

I thanked Mikey as he handed me the damp towel and began to blot at Frank's lip and eye. Gently, I applied pressure being careful not to hurt him. While I worked on his lip, I asked Mikey for another paper towel who swiftly gave me another. I took the new towel and dapped at Frank's lip again. It was still bleeding yet looked less menacing without the caked blood surrounding it.

While I was still addressing Frank's lip, I spoke. "Greg. Josh. You aren't my body guards. Stop glaring at Frank. Its not doing any good." I held the towel to Frank's lip and turned my head towards them. "Could you at least do something useful, like cleaning up the mess you made in the hallway?"

"Why? The janitor will get it later," Josh argued. Rolling my eyes, I turned back towards Frank who was giving me strange look. I raised an eyebrow as I answered.

"There's blood in the hallway Josh." I looked into the mirror behind Frank's body and saw Josh shrug his shoulders. "That means the principal is going to find out."

"So," He said. Looking back to Frank I rolled my eyes. He started to smile but winced when his lip split back open. I mouthed 'sorry' to him and placed yet another towel on his lip.

"Do you remember what he said that last time you got into a fight?" I asked Josh.

He nodded.

"Yeah. But you know me, I zoned out halfway between 'I'm very disappointed in you' and 'you parents will be receiving a voicemail notification to shed some light on your rebellious behavior'." He quoted, making his voice mimic that of the principal's.

Everyone except for Frank and me stifled a laugh.

Sighing I said, "then you must have missed when he said, 'the next fight that you get into Mr. Reynolds will be your last.'"

"Nope, hun, I heard that. I just chose to ignore it," he replied haughtily.

"You really are an egotistical simpleton, y'know?" I asked rhetorically. " 'the next fight that you get into will be your last'means, if the principal finds out you'll be expelled."

I took the towel away from Frank's lip to see if the bleeding had stopped. Thankfully, it had. I glanced towards Josh. A look of understanding passed over his face and soon he was out the door. Greg, on the other, was less inclined to leave. Smiling sweetly I nodded at him, signaling that I would be fine. He left but not before saying,

"I'll be right outside the door."

He glared at Ray and Frank, completely ignoring Mikey. However, Ray was totally oblivious as he tried to get the dried blood out of his hair. Mikey came over and attempted to help while I went back to work. I tried, in vain, to better mend Frank's lip, which had started to bleed again, but in order to do that I need that first aid kit. Irritated I sighed.

Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to send Brian and Gerard…

"Hey Mikey, Ray," I called while standing upright. They looked over at me and I asked, "Do you think that you could find a first aid kit? I think Brian and Gerard my have been sidetracked." I mumbled that last part to myself as the two of them laughed.

Maybe Ray wasn't completely mad at me?

Soon the two of them were out of the sickly green bathroom, leaving Frank and me alone.
By ourselves.
No one else.
Just us.

I mentally cursed myself.

Good going Jamie
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here's part twenty-two!
Sorry if its short and what not but my power kept going out so I lost the entire chapter! 0.o
Pity me....
I blame the heat though. Speaking of which I WANT THE DAMN SNOW BACK!!!!!!!
Anywhore...I've got NINETEEN subscribers!
Thank you all so much!
And to all of you who commented me thank you so much! I appreciate it so much but my highly illiterate self can't put it into words!
Comments are very much needed for updates. I really want your oppinion!