Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

Part Thirty-Two


This wonderous banner was created by the amazingly talented Kennedy. ! Thank you so much. Its marvelous!

Frank and I had spent the next hour or so just talking. That was all.

No arguments.

No awkward silences.

No insults.

Just talking.

And I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I had never imagined myself thinking that I would gladly talk with Frank. But now, if given the opportunity, I wouldn't scorn it as I once would have. I've always heard the overused expressions, 'don't judge a book by its cover', 'things aren't always as they seem', and 'expect the unexpected' but I had never applied that line of thought towards Frank. I guess I was being too prejudice but I did have good reason. I mean, seriously. Who wouldn't if put in my position. Frank had always given me reason to think ill of his character. Never had he given any evidence to the contrary. However, I was willing to overlook, but not disregard, my prejudices and preconceived notions in order to see the better qualities that I had begun to discover.
In fact, now that I thought about it, I had no idea as to why Frank and I hated one another so. I'd never thought of our hate hate relationship as out of the ordinary. Frank hated me and the feeling was reciprocated. It was never decided, it just was.

So, in the name commrodery of I would set aside my emotions and give Frank the clean slate that he had not only tarnished but destroyed.

This is the conclusion that I had come to in that hour that I had spent with Frank.

I just hope that it wouldn't crash and burn.

Mrs. Iero and Holly had come back from their walk shortly after Frank and mine's conversation. She had quickly gathered her things and headed to the grocery store, joking of how much teenagers seemed to eat. After her departure, Holly had taken to sleeping some more in the living room whilst Frank and I talked. Finally around nine thirty I decided it was time for me to clean myself up and get ready for the day out with Siena and Lea.

An hour later, I was showered and dressed in a pair of grey skinny jeans covered by a pair of black heeled boots. A long eggplant cardigan hugged my body with a deep V-neck followed by a row of light colored buttons. A white camisole lay beneath. After applying some make up and placing some small gold earrings in my ears, I walked back towards the Iero's house.

The day was fine and pleasant. Birds sang happily in the different colored trees. A chilly breeze blew by me, softly ruffling my hair. I sighed. Autumn had always been my favorite season.

Careful not to fall, I climbed the Iero's decaying wooden steps and attempted to open the door. It wouldn't budge. Confused, I tried once more but the same result occurred. After my failed attempts of entry, I stepped back away from the cherry wood door, looking through my purse for the keys that Mrs. Iero had given me earlier that week.

I let out a small cry of victory upon finding said keys and proceeded to let myself into the Iero's comfortable and now somewhat familiar feeling, home. It was quiet as I walked into their living room and kitchen area. I listened hard, trying to hear some commotion. Finally, I heard what sounded like a TV on upstairs. I headed towards the stairs.

I hummed softly to myself as I ascended the carpeted staircase. Lazily my hand trailed behind me on the small wooden railing while I bobbed my head to the beat inside my head. As I reached the top of the landing, the sounds from the TV became louder, along with what I recognized as Nathan's laughter. I smiled to myself. He really was adorable.

Suddenly a door farther down the hallway opened, steam following after, flooding into the cold air. A figure stumbled out, muttering something under its breath. I froze.

Frank, after regaining his composure, stepped out of the fog and shook his damp head. Securing the light pink towel that was around his waist, and the only clothing on his body, he continued walking towards me, still not noticing my presence.

Quickly I shut my eyes, trying not to stare at his slightly toned pale chest that glistened in the soft light of the hallway. Or the way the water dripped down his slightly toned chest…

Mentally I slapped myself in a feeble attempt to stop my thoughts. Suddenly Frank's head shot up. His eyes widened as he froze mid step. Squeaking quietly, I clamped my hand over my eyes and began to apologize while walking blindly backwards.

"I-I'm sorry Frank…I didn't mean to… I mean…The door was locked and I-I should've… and I-I'm just sorry…I-I'm so sorry!" I ranted.

As I did, my hands flew about my face but my eyes remained closed. Suddenly my hands were seized by something warm and soft. I carefully and just barely opened my right eye to see Frank standing right in front of my holding my wrists firmly in between us. My eyes traveled down his chest before I clamped my eyes shut once again.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god…

I wanted to die. Heat rushed through my body as embarrassment washed over me. I couldn't believe how stupid I'd been just walking into their home. What was wrongwith me?! Not to mention that I couldn't get that damn image of Frank in nothing but a towel out of my head. I needed to get out, and fast.

"Jamie chill," he laughed as he let go of my hands. "It's not like you've never seen me without my shirt on."

"This is different," I mumbled. Opening my eyes, I glared shortly at Frank before settling on the wall beside me. If I continued glaring at the wall maybe the embarrassment of the situation would possibly disappear.

"How so?"

I could just hear that stupid smirk in his voice. Annoyed, I ignored his rather retarded question and attempted to pull free of Frank's grip. He wouldn't let go. Irritated I pulled once more. The result was the same.

"Frank," I said slowly. "Please let me go." He chuckled, his breath lightly grazing over my face. It was then that I realized just how close he was.

"Frank," I said again, but this time it was a warning, "Let me go."

"Not until you look at me."

You've got to be kidding me…

Once again I pulled away unsuccessful earning a chuckle from him and a sigh of annoyance from myself. I tugged a second time and in response, he tightened his grip. I sighed in defeat. It was the only way I'd get out of this terribly awkward situation.

Do not check him out. Do not check him out. Do not check him out…

Quickly I looked at him, counted to five and looked away.

"Can you let me go now?" I asked.


"Why not?" I ground out.

"Because you won't look at me," he explained. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"You never said that I had to," I argued.

"Well now I did and seeing as I'm much stronger than you, you're staying here until I say so."

I scoffed. He may have been stronger but it didn't take much effort to break someone's nose. Angrily I twisted my wrist out of his grasp and turned to flee. I had almost reached the stairs when one of his hands wrapped tightly around my arm, spinning me towards him so quickly that I lost my balance and almost fell. However, I didn't and it was because of two very warm and sturdy arms wrapping around me. I was now within inches of his bare chest and had to look away again.

"Look at me and I'll let you go," he said again. His voice was a whisper now. I fought to keep the blush off my face as I looked defiantly at his face; I was almost glaring up at him.

He smiled.

"See, I'm not that awful to look at," he teased. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"No, you've never been," I said without thinking. My eyes widened at my slip up but I covered it up. "But you've always been immature. Now," I said as I tried to step away from Frank, "I think I should go."

This time as I stepped out of his grasp he let go of me easily. I turned swiftly and ran out of the Iero's house. As soon as my feet hit the pavement outside I took off in a sudden sprint that took me by surprise. I let my body take control as I ran down the bright New Jersey streets. Finally, my labored breathing forced me to stop.

Breathing heavily I hunched over, placing my hands on my knees. My heartbeat thundered heavily in my ears as I fought to keep the dizziness I felt away. Running had never been a strong point of mine.

When I felt my dizziness fade and my strength return, I stood upright and took in the sight surrounding me. The sun beat down on my face as I looked towards the horizon. Realizing I was supposed to be somewhere, I checked the time. Aggravated I sighed. I was late.

"Crap," I muttered before rushing towards the nearest bus stop.

And the whole time I couldn't erase Frank's half naked image from my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone!

I am truely and deeply sorry for the delay. There is no excuse so I won't waste you time with one. This chapter is only half of what I intended. I was taking too long to type up the other part and that wasn't fair to my readers (who are wonderful and amazing people!).

Now, I haven't been on mibba in almost four months! My last post was two weeks after Christmas. Geez... Needless to say Mibba has changed so much. But I like it. =]

Thank you to everyone who has commented while I was away. Honestly, those comments were the nicest things and were very much appreciated. Just an FYI for those of you who had asked, yes my aunt is doing well. She came through her surgery and has been living life to the fullest! Everything is back in order. My summer was extremely busy as well. I was working two jobs AND I passed my driver's test!!!!! *dances*

Yay me...

So, talk to me! I want to here about your lives since I've been out of the loop for so damn long. Which is really stupid of me. I've missed you guys way too much. And to those of you who are silent readers, thank you for reading! I'm glad you do and hopefully you enjoy the story and its characters as much as I love writing them!

Critism is appreciated-constructive is all I'm asking.

C o m m e n t s = L o v e
