Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part Four

"Hello. My name is Jamie, and I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you all off with something to drink?" I smiled politely at the elderly couple. After taking the couple's orders I went back into the kitchen where I started on their drinks. When I was done, I placed their drinks on the table where I received their dinner orders. Once I gave the orders to the chef, I sat down on a nearby stool.

'Only two more hours.'

I had been called into work earlier than usual. One of the waitresses had called off sick. I think her name was Ann something. Maybe it was Anna. It really didn't matter anyway. All it meant was that I had to come here six hours earlier than normal, which in turn meant that I had to stay here for twelve hours.

"There has to be a child labor law against this somewhere," I mumbled to myself as I fixed my black polo.

The only thing worthwhile here was the pay. That's not to say that I didn't like where I worked, I just don't like interacting with people on a constant basis. I prefer my space and to have my alone time. Although, I have a 'people' personality, as my boss Tony tells me. So I guess I'm not as antisocial as I had once thought.

A small ding brought me out of my thoughts as I picked up the order. Attempting to look awake, I plastered a smile on my face and continued my dull job. Twenty minuets and many fake smiles later, it was time for my break. Grateful for the time off my feet, I slouched in a small booth near the back of the restaurant. As I gazed out the large darkened window, I examined my reflection. My auburn hair looked wild. The bun I had put it in this morning seemed pointless now. Wisps of hair flew about my face, trying to escape their prison. Irritated I yanked out the bun and attempted to fix my hair. Once I had tamed as much of my hair as I could, I fixed my smudged eyeliner. Content with my somewhat fixed appearance, I went back to work.

'Only an hour and a half left'

I continued to go about my business, taking orders, cleaning tables, seating customers; nothing much out of the ordinary. Finally, when I had just thirty minutes left my friend Leanne came into the kitchen,

"Hey James, I'm real sorry to ask this but, could you take up another table? I have to leave to go pick up Ryan," she was already clocking out.

"Sure. Is he alright?" I asked getting a few re-fills.

"He's fine. My mom just can't pick him up and I don't think that it would be a good idea to leave him stranded," She laughed as she walked towards the door.

"Yeah," I agreed chuckling. "That might not be the smartest thing to do."

"Ok, thanks so much James," she said giving me a quick hug. "and again, I'm real sorry about this."

"Don't be," I reassured her. "its no big deal," I said. "Which table?" I asked. I faced her after picking up the drinks and placing them on my tray.

"Uh…table 36,"She said picking up her bag and walking out the door.

"G'nite Lea," I called. She said something, but the door was already closing hindering her response.

Quickly, I smoothed down my shirt and after picking up my tray, began to walk towards table 36. As I rounded the corner, I head loud laughter that sounded extremely familiar. I came closer to the table and realized why. The ass from hell and his friends were occupying a table near the back.

Panicking, I tried to think of any possible reason that would spare me being civil towards them. Maybe if I feigned a heart attack. No, that would cause too much attention. Besides, I had never seen someone have a heart attack so I wouldn't know how to act. I blew my bangs out of my face and continued to consider my options. I could just not wait on them, but that would hurt Lea.

"Damn it," I muttered.

Why did I have to agree to this?

I walked over towards the other couples, attempting to stall. Unfortunately I was only able to stall for a few minutes. I went back into the kitchen and tried to regroup.

I finally decided that I would act as if I didn't know them. Taking a few deep breaths, I began walking towards the table. Head held high I approached the table. Their talking died down at my intrusion.

"Hello, my name is Jamie. I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" I took out my pen ready to take their orders. I was met with silence. Glancing up I saw two blank looks. "Um…I said, can I take your order?"

As soon as I said this, the two that were of in lala land snapped to attention. If it I didn't loath them all with every fiber of my being, I might have thought it was funny. "Alright, I'll just give you guys a minute," I said and began walking away.

'Well that didn't go as well as I thought. Maybe I should have Greg cover for me.'

"Hey wait!" Someone yelled. I turned to see whom it was that yelled. I looked over to see one of the ass's friends waving his hand like an idiot. After taking a good look at him, I realized that I had never seen him before. I think I would have remembered seeing a white guy with an afro. I couldn't help but laugh at the faces the ass and his friend were making. Walking back to the table, I addressed the 'new guy'.

"Yes," I said.
"Hey, sorry about them, I don't know why they did that." He said, motioning his hand towards the ass and his friend that I now recognized as Gerard. "Umm…I'll have a coke and these two," he pointed to the ass and Gerard "will have coffee." I wrote down the orders.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"No that's it. Thanks," He smiled at me and I returned it. As I walked away, I heard the two turn on him. "What the hell was that, Ray?"
I laughed silently to myself, shaking my head at Frank's immaturity.

So his name is Ray

He doesn't seem so bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part five will be out tomorrow!
Thanks for reading.