Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part Six

My breath caught in my throat. Cold sweat broke out over my body. My heart pounded wildly in my chest; the sound deafening. I was attempting to think clearly but found it to be impossible with a gun at my back.

Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm

I searched for someone, something that could save me. My stomach seemed to drop when I realized the only other person besides my captor was currently in a lump at my feet, and I didn't know if he would help if he was even conscience. Screaming seemed pointless seeing as no one was out, except for those who were asleep in their houses, and I didn't want to put others in danger.

Despair overwhelmed me. What if I never see my mom again? Ill never get to hug her, kiss her again. Ill never marry or have kids. Never see the sun set again, eat ice cream in the winter, read a good book, drink coffee again! Would people miss me if I were gone? What would happen to my mom? I can't leave her! I wont leave her. I will get out of this alive all I have to do is think.

What does this guy want with me?!

Maybe I could talk my way out of this. I regained as much composure as I could and asked,
"What do you want with me?" My voice sounded much stronger than I actually felt. I was proud that I had managed to pull that much off.

"I don't want anything," he said. The man put his head down near my ear and whispered, "I'm making you an example." He said, digging the barrel of the gun deeper into my back. A sharp pain shot up my spine. I held in my cries, I did not want to show this man weakness.

He began to push me forward and I stumbled over the body in front of me. He groaned and reached for me, mumbling something I couldn't make out.
Suddenly my captor pulled my body against his, the gun to my head now. His grip on my upper arm tightened until I thought it might break. I kept a blank face still thinking of how I could save myself.

"Her death is on your hands." The man's voice was cold, his words causing me to tremble. I looked to the figure below me, the darkness made it impossible to see him. The figure mumbled again as he tried to stand but was kicked in the leg. The man dragged me to where he lay and kicked him again, a sickening crunch followed. My captor still had his caste iron grip around my body, the gun still at my head. I watched as the figure's body rolled until it stopped near where my bag had dropped earlier. He did not move again. My captor moved forward to kick him again causing my anger got the best of me.

"NO!" I screamed.
My echo flooded the alley. I began to struggle in the man's grasp. My body flew wildly, the gun long forgotten. I turned in the man's grip and pushed him back. I tried to run but two strong arms wrapped around me.

"You stupid bitch," He growled pulling me back by my hair. I winced. My eyes filling up with tears. In the distance, I heard voices. There were too far away to decipher what was said but they became of little importance as I was dragged backwards.

He's going to kill me. I am going to die.
My breathing became erratic as I struggled from the mans firm grip. In response, the barrel was shoved harder into my head and my struggling ceased.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I was then turned roughly turned around and before I could react a felt a harsh burn across my face. I could feel blood pour into my mouth, gagging me and making my stomach retch. I glared up at him before replying,

"What's the point if you're just going to shoot me?" I spit at him, my saliva and blood mixture dripping down his face, which held contempt. My voice was dripping with loathing. He sneered, wiping the blood from his face,

"Who said I was going to shoot you?" He shot me a sadistic smile before hitting me hard in the stomach. The impact knocking the wind out of me, giving him the opportunity to spin me back around.

He continued to drag me farther back into an alley that was close to the side of the road. . My head was reeling. He still had one hand in my hair pulling so tightly I thought he would pull it out. My rage was starting to get the better of me. How dare this thing decide that he had the right to takemy life! Well he was not getting it with out a fight. A fight that I intended to win.

I let my body relax, falling limp in the man's arms. As he tried to hold me his grip on the gun lessened until it fell from his grasp. As it hit the ground it let off one shot; the echo resounded throughout the alley. Surprised the man dropped me to the ground. My head hit the ground hard. I resist the urge to scream in pain. White spots were clouding my vision. Something warm was running down my arm. As I lay on the ground, I searched for the gun. It was near my right hand.


The voices from before became more prominent meaning that they were closer.

Must have been the gunshot

I felt relief and panic at the same time. Maybe they might see my situation and call the cops. On the other hand, they may get in the way. I didn't want more deaths than were necessary. That thought made me react much faster.

Swiftly I grabbed the gun, rolled back on my shoulder and kicked the man in his chest. Taken by surprise, he stumbled back. I held then gun steadily in his direction, blood still running down my throat. My right arm was throbbing and blood was running down past my wrist. I followed the stream of blood back up to my mid arm. A large gash was visible.
My head was spinning and I was having trouble keeping the black dots out of my vision. I looked back at the man. Shock was evident on his face. This expression soon turned haughty.

"You wont kill me. You don't have it in you." He stood crossing his arms over his chest and snarled at me. I stood my ground.

"Who said I was going to kill you?" I mocked, making his smile fall from his face. My head and vision began to swim causing me to stumble backwards. Misinterpreting my meaning, the man charged towards me. I stumbled back firing two shots; one in each of his legs. The man fell to the ground clutching his legs, his face contorted in pain.

How the hell did I do that?

"You BITCH!" he screamed. He attempted to crawl towards me but I backed out of the way. I stared down in wonder as the blood flowed down from his legs and onto the ground, forming a puddle around him. A few streetlights flickered on letting me examine his appearance. His cold blue eyes were locked on my brown, his expression distorted in pain.

Dark hair was matted to his head and fell into his face as he held onto his legs, sweat dripping from his forehead. I suppose he could have been handsome if it weren't for the ominous aura that seemed to surround him.

I kept the gun pointed and my gaze in his direction. Our eyes held each other's. His were cold and heartless where as mine reflected anger and fear. The pain in my arm seared through me and I was having trouble holding up the gun.

Someone please help me!

Voices could be heard once again but were soon drowned out by sirens. I sighed in relief when I saw the flashing red lights. Fatigued, I stumbled back, farther away from the man. My head was whirling. Colors blurred together, sounds combined until it was all just a loud hum. My body felt extremely heavy. I could barely keep my arm in the air. I glanced around once more and caught sight of two men walking towards me; their words were unintelligible from the din in my head.

A pair of cold blue eyes was the last thing that I remembered seeing before collapsing onto the cold ground. The gun still firmly placed in my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part six.
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