Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part Nine

My dreams that night, or should I say morning, were strange. Many images flashed in front of my eyes, as if I was watching a bad movie. The images were broken and scattered. The noises blended together into a low din. I was running then shoved up against a wall. Hot breath washed over my face. I can't breath. Bright blue eyes.

My eyes shot open as I was startled awake. My breathing was ragged as my heart pounded over my face. A cold sweat had formed on my forehead and was running down my neck. I wiped it off with the sleeve of my good arm and tried to get my breathing under control. I laid back down on the floor taking deep breaths and stared at the ceiling.

It was just a dream

But it wasn't.

It had actually happened. As much as I wanted it to be a nightmare the evidence was all around me. I sighed and looked around. Linda, who was sleeping soundly, was still situated in the large chair beside Frank's bed.

The early dawn cast a slight glow in the room and illuminated Frank's face. I stared. He looked even worse than he did last night. At least he had had some color last night. Now he looked as pale as the dull white sheets beneath him. His dreary features made the numerous bruises on his face and arms stand out. Dark circles under his hollow eyes made him appear to be dead. I would have thought so too if it weren't for the steady beat of his heart monitor and the slight rising and falling of his chest. For as much as I hate that dumb bastard I was scared for him.

Staring down at Frank's listless form many questions came to mind. Why did Julian attack me? What did he mean by he was making me an example? Why was Frank there? Who were the people in the cars that had followed me earlier? Although my most pressing question was, what had Julian meant by, "Her death is on your hands."

Did that mean that Frank somehow knew Julian? Even so, where did I come into this?
I stood and started pacing the room. Questions raced through my mind making me more frustrated than before.

"Ugh," I sighed quickly regretting doing so.

Smart. Wake them up why don't you?

Linda began to stir as I froze. Finally she settled back into her chair and her light snores filled the room. Relief washed over me and I took my opportunity to run. Before leaving though I hurriedly shoved the two blankets that I had used for pillows the night before under Frank's bed. Once I had closed the door to Frank's room, I started slowly down the small hallway.
It seemed much more cheerful now with the lights on and seemed less dreary with the many nurses walking to and fro, busy with the new tasks. I smiled as I walked towards the end of the hall. Once there I pushed open the door labeled girls and walked towards one of the porcelain sinks. I splashed some cold water on my face and looked in the mirror. My appearance shocked me.

My hair was wild. It had fallen from its bun and fell past my shoulders. The ends had curled and frizzed causing me to look like I had stuck my finger into a light socket. Mud, dirt and leaves were streaked through my hair. My eyes were puffy and red, my contacts dry from leaving them in overnight.

I should probably take them out

There were a few small scratches on my face but on my left cheek was a large cut. It had started to heal already, the dried blood acting as a shield towards any infection. My bottom lip was busted and a small trail of dried blood ran down my chin. My clothes were soiled and ripped, my work uniform ruined. My knees held numerous scrapes and cuts as did my arms. All in all I look awful.

I turned the cold water on and took off my hoodie and black polo. My black cami underneath wasn't in a very bad condition, just a few tears here and there. Dipping my hands into the sink I scooped the water into my hands and began to wash my arms. I splashed the cool water on my face causing me to shiver as it dripped down my neck. I cleaned the few cuts and the larger gash on my face. Thankfully though, the older man from last night had fixed most of the damage. I picked at the leaves in my hair, attempting remove the crazed look it gave to me. I cupped some more of the cool water in my hands and splashed it over my hair; trying to tame the frizz and remove the mud. I put my polo and hoodie back on before glancing back into the mirror once more. Satisfied with my somewhat cleaner appearance I walked out of the bathroom and towards one of the main desks.

As I approached I saw a tall and lanky figure standing near one of the many vending machines. My stomach growled and it was then that I realized how hungry I was. I began to walk towards the machines while searching for my wallet. My now damp hair hung across my face acting as a curtain, although it didn't not hinder my sight. As I reached the machines a very familiar boy stood glaring at the coffee machine, mumbling curses. Apparently the machine had eaten his money. I grinned at his distress. Finding three quarters I placed them into the machine and pressed the buttons E and then 9. I watched as a small packet of cheese crackers fell to the bottom causing a small thud. As I reached down I felt a pair of eyes on me. Standing back up I turned towards the figure; my hair falling into my face once again.

I almost jumped in shock at Mikey's tall form standing in front of me. Why I was startled really made no sense. Of course they would be here. Frank is their friend. I mentally slapped my forehead for being so stupid.

"Hey. I'm really sorry to ask this but, would you happen to have three extra dollars? I need to get two coffees and the machine just ate my money." Mikey's voice was strained and his stance was nervous. He kept switching his weight from foot to foot and was rubbing the back of his neck constantly. It was obvious that he didn't recognize me from the formal greeting he gave.

Quickly I pulled out my wallet and searched for three one dollar bills. I sighed when all I found was one five and a twenty. I pulled out the five and hastily shoved it towards him, not keeping eye contact. As soon as he took the five out of my hand, I ran towards the main desk leaving him dumbstruck.

I just couldn't face him right now. What if they thought it was my fault? I didn't mean for Frank to get hurt. I sighed. This was too much to handle. Then something struck me. Mikey had said that he had to get two cups of coffee. Did that mean that they were all here?

Oh god

I needed to get out of here.

I impatiently tapped my fingers on the desk in front of me as I waited for one of the nurses to notice me. Finally I cleared my throat in an attempt to get their attention. It didn't do any good. Well that worked

Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder causing me to let out a small squeal. I turned to see, Kiyomi, the nurse from the night before. She smiled before asking how I was. I told her that I was fine but I needed to see Dr. Winters so that I could leave. She nodded and said to follow her. I felt de ja vu as I followed Kiyomi, once again, through the white and pink halls. As we walked she made no attempt at small talk, something that I was extremely grateful for. My mind was miles away from my body at the moment.

My thoughts drifted to my mom and when she would arrive. I missed her and was excited to see her. Although I wasn't exactly looking forward to being bombarded with questions and crying. Then school popped into my mind. I wonder if people will notice I'm gone? If they do, will they know why? My mind then wandered to Mikey. They mush have been here all night! I had noticed that Mikey had on the same apparel as the night before. I smiled at their loyalty towards a friend.

I was brought back to the present as Kiyomi stopped and opened a door labeled,

501 Dr. Winters.

She let me step into the room and introduced me to a tall peppered hair man who shook my hand, smiling widely. It was rather scary this early in the morning. After doing a few small procedures, Dr. Winters declared that I was fine and that I would be free to go. On the condition that I would come back in the next two weeks for a check up to make sure I was fine. The only thing that he said he was concerned about was my ankle. He had said that I wouldn't be able to dance for three weeks tops just to make sure. I was upset for a moment but quickly got over it. Once I agreed to his terms he told me to go. Relieved I smiled andwalked ran out the door.

My phone began to vibrate indicating that I had a new voicemail. I pulled my phone out of my purse and dialed my voicemail, waiting while it rang. There was one message marked as urgent. It was from my mom. I laughed. All she called to tell me was to wait in the main lounge in the hospital and that she would be there in two hours. I looked to see when she had called. She had called at 5:24 am which meant that she would be here around 7:30. I placed my phone back into my purse and continued to the lounge area.

Carefully I pushed open the large wooden door and looked around. It was virtually empty except for a few figures strewn on a couch chair and the floor in the corner. This lounge was much nicer than the one I had been in the night before. Its walls were a soft gold and purple and there were many windows, creating an open feel. Many black and white photos of different landmarks covered the walls. Many fake plants were placed around the room giving the room a livable feeling. A small tinted glass window hid the office where a few receptionists could be seen moving back and forth.

I relaxed and took a seat on a large black couch near one of the large windows. As I situated myself a short blonde approached me.

"Excuse me. Are you a miss Walters?" I had a hard time understanding what she was saying because of how low she was speaking. I nodded and she smiled handing me a cup of coffee. I looked at her suspiciously before taking the coffee and examining the cup. A small note was attached to the side saying,

I am very sorry but I have been detained by work. I will not be able to come to the hospital today. I hope you recover quickly and enjoy this cup of 'decent' coffee.'
L. Larko.

I smiled sipping at the coffee and munching on my cheese crackers. Settling into the plush couch I tucked my legs underneath my body and awaited my mom's dramatic arrival.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part nine.
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