Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

Purple Nurple

Allison's POV:

“Reach for the sky, punk,” I hear Alex declare behind me. I turn to see him holding a Nerf gun, pointed directly at my face. His finger hits the trigger and a Styrofoam round rockets out of the barrel and hits me right in the eye.

“Goddammit, Alex!” I roar, clamping my hand over my wounded eye. He drops the gun in his guffaw of laughter. I run and tackle him to the ground. Pinching both of his nipples in between the thumb and forefingers on each of my hands, I twist and he screams. He tries to get up but I have him pinned.

“Say you’re sorry,” I demand.


“Say it, fucker! Or I won’t let go!” I twist harder. He shrieks.

“Okay, okay! Shit! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I reluctantly let go and get up, laughing hysterically.

“I’m telling Ashton on you,” he calls, trying to hold back the laughter bubbling to the surface.

“Yeah, maybe she’ll kiss it and make it better.”

“Of course, I just have to reciprocate.” He grins.

“Oh God. Shut up, you nasty mofo. I don’t wanna hear it!” I cover my ears. “La la la la la. Not listening.”

“Just ask her.”

“You disgust me.”

“Oh come on, Allison. I’ve had to listen to countless mushy stories about how ‘cute’ this boy is and how ‘sweet’ that one is.”

“Fuck you, Alex. You know I don’t talk like that.”

“Maybe not to me, but I hear the little gigglefests you have with your friends.”

“Jesus. I haven’t ‘giggled’ since I was ten, let alone about a boy.

“So? Those memories still haunt me!” he whines.

“You’re a pussy,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

“You are what you eat.”

I pick up a box of Legos off of the shelf to my right and chuck it at his stupid face. He ducks and laughs at me. “You suck,” he points out.

“Oh? Did Joey tell you?”

Alex winces.

“See, it’s not fun is it?”

“You like him don’t you?”

“Oh, hell. I don’t know, Alex.”

“But he’s so cute,” Alex says mockingly.

I see Ashton round the corner and turn into the same aisle that Alex and I are in.

“How do you touch this disgusting creep?” I ask her, gesturing to my idiot brother. All I hear is his laughter behind me.

She smiles. “It’s not that hard.”

“Yes it is,” Alex chimes in.
♠ ♠ ♠

AN: This is more of a "get to know the characters" kind of chapter. Specifically Alex and Allison. Hope you all enjoyed it.