Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

A Little Too Much "Spice"

Allison's POV:

“Don’t you fucking say it, Alex,” I warn. He winks at me.

“You remember that time when you broke your nose?” he blurts.

Ashton laughs. “You broke your nose? How the hell did you manage that?”

“Yeah, Allison,” Alex says. “How did you manage that?”

“Alex, go to hell.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to tell the story.”

“Come on! Please Alex?”

“Too late, they’re already interested. Go on, dear sister: tell them.” Ashton and Joey stare at him wide-eyed, waiting. I bury my face in my hands.

“I broke my nose two years ago.”

“How?” They all eye me intently.

“My boyfriend.”

“What? Did he hit you?” Ashton demands. “I’ll kill him.”

“No! He would never! I’d kill him,” Alex and I answer in unison. We look at each other for a moment. Being twins has a way of getting creepy sometimes.

“Um, we were bored one day and decided it would be fun to be a bit…kinkier…than usual.” Eyebrows hit the ceiling at this statement. “We got a little too into it. The wall and my face didn’t agree very well and my nose ended up broken. The end.” Ashton, Joey and Alex are all laughing at this point. “You’re all assholes.”

“Aw, sweetheart; you can’t tell me you wouldn’t laugh if it were me instead of you,” this is Ashton. Alright, I guess she has a point. I’d probably pass out laughing. But I’d feel really bad after.

“It’s not fucking funny. It’s embarrassing. Do you have any idea how awful that was to explain to my parents.”

“It was hilarious,” Alex butts in. “Seriously, even the doctor laughed!” I glare at him.

“I told people at school that I got in a fight with Chuck Norris whenever they asked…And that I kicked his ass…Nosey mother fuckers.”

Joey finally adds his two cents: “Well at least the wall was okay.”

“Fuck you, asshole.”

“I don’t know, I’m more of a front rather than back kinda guy. I like to see the face.” His face is mostly serious, save the glint of humor behind his thin glasses. I consider smacking him right across the face, but settle with getting up and walking away. Where the hell did all of this confidence he’s suddenly throwing out come from?
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