Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

Raving Lunatics

Ashton’s POV

Alex and I are still dancing when Allison and Joey finally return. Allison looks incredibly smug, while at the same time really pissed. She drags Joey along with two of her fingers wrapped tightly around his pinky. She hits stop on the stereo and unplugs the strobe lights.

“What the hell are you two doing?!” She exclaims, stomping on a blue “balloon”. Note to self, the blue ones break easily. Alex and I frown.

“Raving.” Alex whimpers.

“What did we use to attract the zombies to the bomb site?” Allison fires at us.

“Strobes and music and… oh…” I answer, realizing what Alex and I did.

“It’s ok. I mean, we’re way inside the store. There is no way they heard or saw any of that. I mean, there are what, like, three zombies around here?” Alex defends.

“That doesn’t matter, dumbass.”

“Allison, you are awfully grumpy for someone who just got laid.” I smirk.

“How did you--?”

“Walk with me, dear.”

I take her hand and lead her away from the boys. She looks completely dumbfounded.

“You have a tiny little gleam in your eye suggesting a lot of self-pride, your hair is all messy in the back even though there has been no wind outside since the sun disappeared, and there are four tiny, red marks on the back of your neck.” I rattle off nonchalantly.

“You’re too observant for your own good.”

“I’m aware. How was it?”

“Um, kind of incredible…”

“That’s awesome. You really like him.”

“How can you tell?”

“You let him touch your neck and your hair.”

“True enough. Did you and Alex…?”

“Oh, yeah. Several times.”


“I would avoid the—.”

“I don’t want to know.”

“All right. Suit yourself. Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.”

“Whatever. We should probably go back to camp and start strategizing. We need an emergency plan.”

“Sounds good.”

Allison and I return to the campsite to see the boys sitting close to each other. They look up at us simultaneously and scoot away. I think they were talking about us. Boys…

Everyone is situated. Allison begins rattling off directions. She hands Alex and I backpacks. I’m in charge of filling mine with tons of clothes and blankets. Alex is in charge of food. When we go off, Allison and Joey hang back to sort out our weapons into another big backpack.

“Hey, Ashton,” Alex whispers from behind me half an hour later. I’m shoving two pairs of sweatpants in my bag. I look up. He gestures for me to follow him. He takes me into the toy aisle and picks up a box containing a little red wagon. Well, a rather big one, but you know.

“We should put this thing together.” Alex suggests.

“I don’t know, man.” I reply, scratching my head. “If we have to make a quick getaway a big wagon isn’t very graceful.”

“But Joey hates fighting. I figure three of us could cover him and he’ll be in charge of moving it.”

“I guess that works.” I shrug. I reach up and ruffle Alex’s black hair. “Good job, honey. I knew you were more than just a pretty face.”

Alex scrunches up his nose and we set to work assembling the wagon. Another hour later we pull it back to the site, looking very proud of ourselves. Before Allison says anything, Alex explains all his thoughts regarding the wagon. She likes his ideas. That’s a first.

Just as we begin discussing further plans of action, a huge crash comes from the front of the store. Alex, Allison, and I run to the side aisle and see at least twenty zombies stumble in. Looks like we’ll just have to wing it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and Subs are very much appreciated and welcomed. Allison and I are working really hard on this story!! She and I are working late tonight on Mibba!! Leave us some looove. :)

Thanks, guys.
