Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

State of ConFUSION

Ashton’s POV

The interstate is completely deserted. The four of us didn’t expect anything more. The occasional zombie carcass littered the ground every mile or so. We walk along the frozen asphalt for what seemed like days before reaching downtown. It’s just as barren.

“My feet are killing me.” Allison complains, trudging heavily, adjusting her backpack.

“Want me to carry you?” I tease.

“No, but you can carry this.” She takes Joey’s backpack off of him and throws it at me. She jumps on Joey’s back and he catches her legs around his waist. Alex takes the bag filled with weapons and slings it on top of his own bag.

“Looks like you’ve done that before, Al.” Alex remarks.

“Oh, yeah, every fucking night.” Allison snaps, resting her head on Joey’s shoulder.

We walk through the vacant city streets. Somehow the streetlights have remained on throughout all this madness. The dim lights direct us to a parking garage. Personally, I’m terrified of parking garages, but Allison assures me that it will be fine and probably safer than most other places because there are more directions to run and we’re more agile than zombies.

I agree and we walk in, deciding to settle in on the second floor. There are still nearly forty cars parked. Most have the glass busted out of them. Alex suggests we sleep in them to keep warm, but after several tries, no one can get a door open.

“Damn, I thought for sure a precisely placed bullet would pop this sucker open.” Allison mutters, kicking the tire of a Ford Fusion.

“Well, no need to waste your bullets.” I tell her. “We can just set up camp between the cars.”

We all went to work, laying out the blankets and food we brought with us. I sat down heavily against Alex, thankful to be off my feet.

“Should we take turns keeping watch?” Joey wonders.

“I’m too cold to sleep.” I shrug. Alex and Allison nod. Even bundled in several layers of clothes and blankets the air is constantly biting at our skin. Joey looks around idly. Hours pass by and no ones says much. Allison pulls a bow and quiver out of one of the backpacks.

I drowsily lay against Alex, watching Allison shoot arrows into the red Fusion. Most of them stick to the outside, leaving tiny holes in the metal. The last arrow flies through the broken back window.

“Aw, man.” Allison grumbles under her breath. She stands up and reaches into the car. She grasps the arrow, but when she pulls her arm back the glass tears her leather jacket to ribbons. A torrent of blood gushes from her forearm. She curses loudly and Joey jumps to his feet. He rolls up the arm of her jacket and tears off the white t-shirt he is wearing under his own coat. He ties the fabric around her bleeding arm quickly.

“Oh, my hero.” Allison jokes, pushing Joey back down on his butt. He frowns. Alex and I look on, amused.

“You all right there, tiger?” Alex inquires.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m more worried about Edward Cullen over here.” She chuckled, pointing to Joey.

“Well, I didn’t want you to bleed to death.” He mumbled. “And I didn’t want the blood to attract--.”


“Oh, shit. Not again!”
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