Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

Chip Off the Old Block

Ashton’s POV

I am immediately at Allison’s side the second she hits the ground. I’m bawling my eyes out, but she wears a stony expression. I have so much more respect for her for doing something so gut-wrenchingly painful, but at the same time I am terrified on her behalf.

I hold her to me despite knowing she’s never been one for hugs. Alex joins us on the ground. Allison shakes her head and tries to stand up, but I don’t let her. We all need to catch our breath.

“Ashton, let go.” Allison mumbles, attempting to stand again. I’m very reluctant and continue holding her even tighter, but when she looks at me with bloodshot eyes I decide to let her go. I look up at her through my tears. She picks up her backpack and starts walking away from us deeper into downtown.

Alex and I trail behind her quietly. I take Alex’s hand, squeezing it firmly. It takes Alex and I several minutes to catch up to Allison. When we do I grab her hand as well. I let go of Alex so I can walk alone with my best friend.

“Are you ok?” I whisper, leaning close to her ear.

“I don’t know.” She replies, her voice wavering. She’s trying so hard to keep a brave face.

“You can cry if you want to. Alex and I know you’re still the toughest chick in the world. There’s no need for you to be ashamed.”

Allison sniffs dramatically as a miniscule teardrop rolls slowly down the side of her face. I wipe it away quickly so it doesn’t freeze. Alex steps behind us and puts his hand on his sister’s back.

“You did the right thing, Al.” He assures her.

“But it didn’t feel right.” She protests. “I killed someone. I killed someone I really liked. I killed someone who really liked me.”

“We did all that we could for him, Allison.” I tell her. “Nothing good was going to come from that.”

“I know, but… It’s going to mess me the fuck up.”

“Honey, we’re all a little messed up right now.” I laugh sadly. I pull her toward me again in another hug. We stand still in the street for quite some time until we hear a loud, cackling laugh.

“I always knew you guys had a thing for each other!” An incredibly familiar voice yells.

“Shut up, Chip!” Allison screams.

All of us stop dead in our tracks and look in the direction of the voice. Emerging from the shadows is our friend Chip, covered in dirt and blood.

“Chip!” We all shriek, running toward him and tackling him to the ground under the weight of our packs.

“Please tell me you’re still human!” I beg, sitting up and dusting myself off.

“Of course I am. You think I’d let these crazy fuckers touch me? I might get rabies or something.” Chip jokes, jumping back up to his feet. Alex and I chuckle lightly.

“How have you been surviving?” Alex wonders as we continue walking through the dark, freezing streets.

“Well, I was trapped in the music store down here for a while, just sitting around drinking pop from the vending machine. Then when the zombies started going away I snuck out and stole some sleeping pills off a dead hobo and sedated myself and just kinda slept in this alley for a week or two. I just woke up a few hours ago.”

“Why do I not believe you?” I remark.

“Because it’s only partly true. I was in the market, not the music store.” Chip laughs. “But where the hell have you guys been?”

“We camped in Target for a long time then came down here. We’re aiming for the military base.”

“Holy shit, that’s miles away!”

“Yeah, but it may be our only hope.”

“All right, I’m in.”

The four of us take off in the general direction of the base. It is a good fifteen miles away, but we have more drive than ever to make it to the base in one piece and in as little time as possible.

Chip tries to pass time with jokes and stories. Alex is into it and I laugh occasionally, but I am still worried about Allison. She and I walk hand-in-hand despite Chip’s snide remarks. Her face still carries a stoic expression.

The highway seems never-ending; however, we see a tiny light of hope. It’s a good ten miles away, but the miniscule yellow light is a sign that we probably aren’t alone.

“That should be the base, right?” Alex asks, pointing to the light.

“Let’s hope so.” I reply. We all stop at an intersection leading into a suburban area. We look at each other and laugh nervously. Obviously there aren’t any cars on the road.

“I guess we missed rush hour.” Chip remarks, leading us across the street.

We walk silently in the dark for several minutes. “I’m starving…” Alex grumbles under his breath. I nod in agreement. Everyone stops and we sit down on the sidewalk. Alex takes water and crackers out of his backpack. I offer some to Allison. She just takes a water.

“I’m not hungry.” She insists, yanking the top off her bottle.

“Honey, you have to eat something.” I tell her.

“Not now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Much love