Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells


Allison's POV:

A sharp, clattering sound jolts me out of my delicious sleep. I jump up, grabbing the 9mm Glock I found at the station. Ashton is gone. Shit, shit, shit. Making my way over to the noise, I am careful to stay low and quiet. I round the corner and there is Ashton, picking up pieces of a coffee mug that she apparently knocked off the shelf.

She screams and drops the mug again. “Put your damn gun down!”

“Sorry, sorry,” I reply. “But Jesus, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing?”

“Shopping,” she tells me casually. “For coffee mugs.”

“You don’t need any coffee mugs, Ashton! For the love of—” An earsplitting clang interrupts my rant.

“Wasn’t me this time,” Ashton declares obnoxiously. I glare at her and she smiles in return. Slow and heavy footsteps are heard to our right. A horrible scraping sound follows. Our guns are drawn. Zombies are awful at surprise attacks.

We creep slowly away from the noise, attempting to hide and get a good shot at the perpetrator. There is a groaning gurgling noise coming from the thing now. Oh gross.

Behind a wall of Barbies we wait. I catch the specter in my peripheral. Wait a second. Is that…? I aim the barrel by the man’s feet and shoot off a round. He jumps and squeals

“Holy fuck! Holy fuck!” That squealing fella? That’s my brother. Alexander. The shithead thought he could get away with scaring us but he was sorely mistaken.

“What the fuck, Allison?” he cries. “You could’ve killed me!”

“Oh shut up, Alex,” I laugh. “I wasn’t even close to hitting you. And you deserved it, you son of a bitch. What were you trying to prove?”

“Just wanted to scare you.”

“Mission accomplished,” Ashton says from behind me. He laughs nervously.

“You do that again, and I’ll be the one to put a bullet in you. Formally,” she tells him. I’m having trouble holding back a roar of laughter when they both glare at me.

“Oh for Heaven’s sake, you two; if you all are going to be pissy then I’ll go stand over there.” The two break out in a unison laugh.

“You are so gullible. You really thought we were mad,” Alex laughs. I run over to him, leap onto his back and pull him to the ground in a headlock. He is stuck.

“Just because you’re taller than me doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass, baby brother.”

“Alright, alright! Uncle!” he yells. I let him up.

“Truce?” We shake hands. “I have to admit, I am really happy to see you alive, Precious.”

“Mom and Dad are…” he starts.

“I know.” Alex wraps me in a tight hug. “Were you there?”


“I’m so sorry, Alex.” He tenses. “Don’t. Not now,” he tells me. For the first time I notice his clothes. Blood spatters cover his entire front. His nose is bleeding and his hair is a mess.

“Dear God, tell me you didn’t get any blood in your mouth or eyes!”

“Nope, none at all,” he replies. “Come on; I watched 28 Days Later too! And I’m fine; don’t even ask.”

“Well regardless. You’re not allowed to touch me until you get in some clean clothes,”

Ashton remarks. He smiles evilly. “We’ll see about that.”

“Gag me,” is all I can manage.
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