Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

Special Balloons

Ashton’s POV

“I’m going to go mess around with these toys. You two start working on the bomb.” Allison says, picking up an armful of toys and heading to the front of the store.

Alex and I nod. I move a big plastic storage container into the aisle away from the clothes. As soon as Allison is out of sight, Alex steps behind me and puts his hand on my waist.

“You don’t know how happy I am that you’re alive.” He mumbles, setting a gasoline tank by our feet.

“The feeling is mutual, darling.” I reply, turning to pick up some cans of hairspray.

“I think I’d go crazy if they got you too. Maybe I’d just surrender myself to them.”

“You’re sweet… In a weird way. You get that from your sister.”

“Twins have a lot of things I common.”

“I’ve noticed.”

Alex and I try to decide the best way to prepare the massive bomb. We decide to conduct a small-scale experiment to see if the different chemicals could be mixed without reacting with each other. I run to get a bunch of baby bottles and line them up in the wide, white aisle. Alex starts pouring tiny samples of the different chemicals into the bottles. None of them create a volatile mixture so we decide it’s safe to put them all in the storage bin.

We fill balloons with gasoline and soak socks in different types of air freshener and hair spray. We load the tub with anything that could do damage: Nair, bleach, ammonia. I look down proudly at the makeshift bomb. I can’t wait to light this bitch.

“Ok, so, I just want you to know that…” Alex begins, standing next to me to admire our handiwork. “Seeing you with all those dangerous chemicals was really, really hot.”

I glance sideways at him, a tiny smirk on my lips. I pull a tiny pack of Trojans out of my pants pocket. Alex’s eyes grow as wide as dinner plates.

“Oh, fuck no!” Allison screams, coming up the aisle toward us. “No! There is no way in hell!”

“What?” I remark. “We ran out of balloons.”

I literally feel Alex’s disappointment swell and burst. I almost feel pleasantly diabolical in my little trick. Poor guy.

“Don’t fuck around like that, Ashton. Literally and figuratively.” Allison warns.

I chuckle lightly. The three of us finish up adding the last bit of fluid and wrangle the heavy bin carefully onto a forklift Alex hotwired in the storage rooms. We slowly drive toward the front of the store.

“Should we get on the roof for this?” I wonder. “I mean, we’re attracting thousands of zombies to a little parking lot and we’re going to blow this thing to smithereens. It would be safer up high.”

“Good point. Let’s get this thing in the parking lot quickly and find our way up. We can shoot the fireworks and whatnot from up there.” Allison agrees.

We all take a deep breath and eye our target position in the parking lot, ready to make a cautious run for it as soon as Allison opens the doors.
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Comments are pretty awesome guys. ;)
