Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells

New Kid

Ashton’s POV

I’m visibly shaken by the scene out in the parking lot. Allison just obliterated the skull of a lost zombie. We’re back in Target. I make my way back to our campsite with Alex. Allison casually follows behind us.

“Are you ok?” Alex asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s Allison I’m worried about.” I tell him, glancing over my shoulder.

Allison turns down a different aisle. Alex takes my hand. We sit in the campsite. It’s eerily quiet in the store. That is until I hear Allison scream countless obscenities from across the store. Alex and I jump to our feet and run to find her in the first-aid aisle.

“If you’re a zombie…” She stammers at a teenage boy kneeling with bandages laid out in front of him. “I have a gun.”

“I’m human I swear!” He whines, cowering under Allison’s drawn Glock. ”I heard the explosion and figured there had to be other survivors. My leg started bleeding… I’m sorry. I d-didn’t mean to intrude on you.”

“What is going on?” Alex inquires slowly, stepping toward his sister. “What are you doing back here in the first place?”

“I needed a fucking tampon, Alex. Then I found this kid back here. He scared the shit out of me.”

“What’s your name?” I wonder.

“Joey.” The boy says. He stands up. He looks about our age. “Uh, I live up north. I’m seventeen. Everyone in my neighborhood got killed or turned. Is it ok if I stay with you guys?”

Allison looks Joey over. I spot a tiny gleam in her eyes. Joey is tall, skinny, has short blonde hair, and green eyes hidden partially by silvery-blue glasses. He’s a drastic contrast to Alex’s dyed black, choppy hair, scrawny figure, and chocolate brown eyes.

“I guess,” she shrugs. Even turning her head can’t hide the smirk forming on her face. Alex starts talking to Joey while Allison and I walk away.

“He’s cute.” I tease quietly, bumping my friend with my shoulder.

“Shut up. He’s alive. That’s what’s important.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. Things are definitely about to get interesting.
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We've been working like CRAZY on this story!!! So let us know you're enjoying the fruits of our labor!

That sounded odd. But for real. Allison and I are going back and forth handing off chapters at school day in and day out. We want to hear from you!
