The Sun and The King

so i close my eyes in this lucid time

Our neighborhood is rich. And our school has kind of been known for our dressing-up instead of dressing down like a lot of other schools. No one would be caught dead in trashy sweats or pajama pants – well, except Sunny.

She takes Dan’s old shirts and cuts them up so they fit her style. Some sling off one shoulder or there are striped holes everywhere or they’re crop tops and she sews them tight. She wears guy jeans and she rips holes in the knees herself.

I don’t really get it. Sunny and Dan got over a million dollars because of their parents’ insurance. Of course they had to pay for a funeral and they paid off the car and house, but they still had plenty left over. Yet Sunny didn’t own even one pair of designer jeans or any boutique clothing like the other girls. She bought most of her clothes from Walmart or Goodwill.

But Sunny isn’t like other girls.