‹ Prequel: Once Upon a Heartbreak
Status: Is working on new chapters! <3 [July 15, 2011]

Heartbreak Romance

A Halloween Affair Part Two

Damara’s heart was pounding in her chest. Was she really doing this?

“So you’re sure that no one is going to walk in looking for you?” Damara asked, pulling away from Brian’s kiss and glancing out the window to the party.

“I’m positive!” Syn grinned and pushed Damara’s hair out of her face. “No one is going to notice we’re gone.”

“Good” Damara started to kiss him again.

Brian knew that this was probably unethical, that he should at least wait till Michelle moved all her stuff out of the house before he slept with someone else. But Damara was – amazing, she was nothing short of amazing. She had managed to make him laugh, and get the truth out of him about everything that had happened since returning from tour – something that no one else had managed to do yet.

He had absolutely no desire to fight the feelings he had for her. Her lips on his felt perfect, her thin body fit perfectly in his arms. She was the perfect height – not too short, not too tall – that he could kiss her easily while standing up.

Syn pulled her down into the bed on top of him.

Damara took a deep breath. What the hell was there to be nervous about? She was in a bed with a half-naked and extremely horny Synyster Gates. There was no negative in this equation.

She moved her body into his, causing him to groan.

“Don’t tease me.” Brian begged her.

Within seconds he had rolled her tiny body under his and managed to undo all of the buttons on her firefighter costume. Her bra was next, followed by her panties. They were all tossed into a pile in the floor. It was much simpler for Damara to undress him, as he was already in nothing but his underwear.

Before Damara knew it she was in heaven – this was her greatest fantasy. She was surrounded by the most gorgeous man she had ever met, that she could ever dream about meeting. Everything was perfect. It was like the planets had aligned just for them

Damara lay snuggled into Syn’s bare chest. He’d fallen asleep. It was cute.

Part of her wanted to get back to the party and check on her best friend, but another part of her never wanted to leave the arms she was cradled in. Ever. She could just imagine falling asleep in them every night – that seemed like a good idea. Damara thought closing her eyes. A nap was the perfect end to the perfect night.

Then she heard Cady calling her name.

“Shit!” She mumbled, trying to find her costume without disturbing Brian’s sleep. She didn’t want Cady to know that she had sort of abandoned her to have the best Halloween sex of her life. She’d tell her all about it later of course but she didn’t want anyone (like Zacky) who might be with her to find out.

“I don’t care if you’re fucking Brian! Damara get your ass out here!” Cady yelled.

“You’d better not be getting laid in my bed!” Zacky yelled. Damara could hear him running up the stairs.

Apparantly so did Syn.

“What’s going on?” He asked sleepily.

“We’re about to get caught!”

“No – you already got caught. That’s not important!” Cady was standing in the door way. “The baby kicked.”

Damara quickly made her way to her best friend in the door way. She placed her hand on Cady’s baby bump.

Syn followed behind her “Hey! I wanna feel my nephew or neice kick!”

“Wait, when Zacky comes back in – it’ll kick”

Sure enough when Zacky walked in the room the baby started moving.

Damara’s heart was pounding in her chest. She had just been caught in bed – literally with her best friend’s baby’s father’s best friend. What would Zacky think of her? What was Cady thinking?

But then Damara took a good look at her best friend. She was standing with her hands on her belly, with Zacky behind her, his arms wrapped around her. They were too lost in the joy of parenthood to notice that she and Brian were both half dressed.
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I know this is sort of short but I really wanted to update it just so you know I'm still here and working on this story and Once Upon a Heartbreak! :]
