His One and Only

The One and Only

My boyfriend, Jimmy, was the sweetest thing in the world. I mean, honestly. What kind of guy goes to Walmart at three in the morning just because you ask him to? Jimmy does.

Jimmy and I have been together for about a year, and it's been the greatest year of my life. Hands down. We celebrated our anniversary a few weeks ago by cooking a homemade meal. And even though we've been dating for so long, Jimmy and I have never been on an actual date. You wanna know why?

Cuz he's got another girlfriend.

Her name is Tiffany. She came along about five months before I did. She's one of your typical California bleach-blonde bimbos. Beauty but absolutely no brains. And I hated her fucking guts. Cuz back when we were little junior high folks, she liked Zacky. Well, Zacky liked me. So little miss priss got upset and told everyone I was a lesbian! Hell no. Gemma Deloise likes boys, motherfucker.

So when Jimmy asked me out a year ago, I said yes for two reasons. One, because like I said before, Jimmy is uberly sweet and any girl would be lucky to have him as her boyfriend. And two, cuz I knew it would break Tiffany's ice-cold heart if she found out. Because despite her previous pattern of whoring herself out to every guy in school, she seemed to be taking a liking to Jimmy. Well suck on it bitch, cuz he likes me, not you.

Everyone knew about me and Jimmy being an item. Everyone, that is, except Tiffany. She seemed to be completely oblivious to the way Jimmy looked at me when we were in the same room. Although, I was actually glad she was so stupid. Made it a whole hell of a lot easier for me and Jimmy to hide our love.

So in the midst of all this drama-don't you just love it?-a major event for all of us was approaching on the horizon.


That's right, mo-fos! In two days, our group would be holding those diplomas in our hands and we would be off! Cuz Jimmy's band, Avenged Sevenfold, just got signed to a tour! And I was going with! But first Jimmy had to come up with an excuse to feed to Tiffany as to why she wasn't traveling with the guys and I was. Oh well. Shouldn't be that hard.

"Gemma." Someone was whispering my name into my ear. No, go away. I wanna sleep. I shoved whoever it was away. "Gemma, wake up! It's graduation day, baby!"

When I finally surrendered and opened my eyes, I found Jimmy hovering next to me, quivering with excitement. I knew why he was excited. He hated school. I'm surprised he lasted this far.

I shoved him away again so I could climb out of his bed. And yea, I said his bed. "Alright, I'm up." I gave him a once-over. "Meanwhile, why don't you put on some fucking pants?"

"Why? They're just gonna come off again.", he whispered, then kissed below my ear. I laughed at him and shoved him away. Again. God, it seemed like that boy never got the memo.

"Cuz Jimmy. You can't go to graduation with no pants on.", I explained to him. I stumbled around his room, picking up my various articles of clothing before slipping them on. "You have to look nice, remember?"

"Fine.", he grumbled. He rummaged through his drawers for a pair of pants, discarding everything else by throwing it onto the floor. Of course the last pair in the drawer was the pair he picked, so the rest of his assorted jeans and shorts littered the floor.

I rolled my eyes. No time to mess with my messy boyfriend. Because it was graduation time, baby!

Jimmy, me, and the rest of our group-Matt, Zacky, Brian, Val, Michelle, and Gena-arrived early to graduation, because well, we were just so damn excited. After today we would be freed from the tyranny of high school. And since the guys were starting their tour soon and us girls were accompanying them, school was completely over for us.

This also cleared up another problem for me and Jimmy. After we left for the tour, we'd never see Tiffany again, and Jimmy and I would be free to go public with our relationship. Because the only place Jimmy ever saw Tiffany was at school. They haven't been out on a date since Jimmy started seeing me, because we spent every weekend almost entirely in his bedroom. I think it's easy enough to guess what we were doing.

Although sometimes we would do something romantic, like Jimmy would cook me dinner or we'd stay up all night watching horror flicks. Regardless of what we were doing, Jimmy spent all of his time with me and absolutely none with Tiffany. Which was just the way I liked it. Stupid bitch wasn't going to be taking away from my Jimmy time.

Being as ADHD as we are, Jimmy and I were bored within five minutes of arriving at the football field where the graduation ceremony was being held. So somehow we ended up hiding in the concession stand-which was conveniently unlocked-for a private mini make-out session. Well little did we know that the concession stand was unlocked so us graduates could come inside and help ourselves to some free cokes.


After five or so minutes, right around the time when things were starting to heat up a little, we heard someone step inside the concession stand. Because we were stupid, Jimmy and I ignored it. I guess it was because we were too caught up in each other to pay any attention to our surroundings. Until we heard someone gasp, that is.

"Jimmy?", a small voice said questioningly. I've heard that voice before...

All I had to do was see the shoes and I knew who it was. Because no one else but Tiffany Gibson would wear six hundred dollars heels to graduation on a muddy football field. And if it was Tiffany who walked in on me and Jimmy, it meant we were finally caught in the act. Literally.


"J-Jimmy?", she stuttered. "H-How could you?"

Jimmy hadn't even turned to look at Tiffany. In fact, he was hiding his face on the opposite side of mine, so that Tiffany couldn't see the absolute look of contempt on his face. He didn't care that he'd just broken her heart. But then again, neither did I.


"I just could, Tiffany. Okay?", he spat, finally showing his face to her. The look of disdain still remained. "I'm sorry, but I don't love you. God, I don't even like you. But Gemma...I love Gemma."

"How long?", Tiffany asked. She was obviously trying very hard to control the tears hiding behind her crystal blue eyes. "How long have you been doing this to me?"

Jimmy smiled. But not a nice smile. More like an evil smirk. "First off, I didn't do anything to you. If anything, I did an injustice to Gemma by seeing both of you, because I've never been able to treat her to something special. I've never been able to take her out on a date. And I think it's been about a year. Right, Gemma? Haven't we been dating for about a year?"

I nodded, not wanting to speak. I was too busy savoring the downfall of little miss perfect.

Now the tears came. Oh, poor Tiffany. She was going to ruin her slutty makeup that she spent so long on. "Y-You're an asshole.", she said to Jimmy, then she turned and hurried from the concession stand.

"Well, I guess if it had to happen, it's best that it happened now.", Jimmy said. It took me a second to realize he was talking to me. "At least now I don't have to come up with some lame ass excuse to give to Tiffany about why she couldn't tour with us. And besides, I don't even need her. Cuz I got my number one girl right here." He slung his arm possessively around my shoulder and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

Now that Jimmy and Tiffany were history, Jimmy and I could have a normal relationship. Go out on dates, stuff like that.

Because from now on, I was Jimmy's one and only.
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word count: 1398