Don't look back!

Best Friends.


It’s bad enough that I’ve gotten forced out of my home and back on the wide open, Pokemon filled road to success and presumably misery . . . But what’s worse? Nobody would go with me.

“Please, Rafe! Please, Please, Please!” I implored, clinging tightly onto the brunette’s lanky form.

“Laney . . . Blaziken and I have already been on our journey, you know that!”

He sighed, desperately trying to push me off.

“So?” I scoffed, placing my hands on my hip.

“I have too! I don’t want to go aloneeeeee ~” I sniffled, as Rafe scooted away from me.

“Oh, Sid ~” I crooned, suddenly turning to face my fine, chubby friend.

“Tch. As if, you’re not going to take away my battle partner!” Rafe exclaimed.

“Even if you’re cute.” Sid added, smiling brightly at me.

“You guys are just – jerks!” I spat, rolling my eyes at the both of them.

“Come on now, Laney. And, it’s not like you’re going to be “aloneeeeee” as you so quaintly put it. Drew will be with you!” Rafe stated, smirking at my down-cast form.

“. . . and you really think he’s good company?” I murmured, giving him a scathing glance.

“Does that mean you think that we are?” Sid interjected, seeming quite hopeful.

“More like, you’re my best friends so – we can go with that?” I replied, grinning cheekily at the both of them.

“Sure, Sure.” Rafe dismissed as I became just as hopeful as Sid.

“Does that mean—?”

“But, we’re still not going with you ~” He finished sharply, crushing my hopes and dreams in just one swift blow.

“. . . You suck.” I retorted lamely, crossing my arms and turning away from them both.

Sid, much to my embarrassment, burst into laughter at my expense.

“Sid, shut up!” I roared, still not bothering to spare him a glance.

“Hey, Laney . . .” Rafe called, actually managing to capture my attention.

But that’s definitely not because he’s hot or anything. >_>

“Yes, Rafe?” I chirped, turning to face him.

“How are you going to continue your journey if you – if you don’t have any Pokemon?” He questioned tentatively, voicing the question that everyone undoubtedly had been dieing to ask.

My gaze immediately plummeted to the floor as I allowed my hat to overshadow my eyes.

“Ah . . . mom said she’d “take care” of that . . .”

Truth be told . . . I didn’t want anymore Pokemon, and by the tone of my voice I’m sure Rafe and Sid picked up on that.

- ♥ -

“That’s my girl!” My mom beamed, smiling proudly at me as I stood, nervously hopping from foot to foot as I waited for the ferry that would take me to the nearby town.

Almost immediately after she had spoken, I was tackled to the floor by Rafe’s sisters.

“We’re going to miss you oh so much, Delaney!” They trilled, tears prickling the corner of their identical eyes.

“Oh, girls. I’m going to miss you too! You might as well be my little siblings – rather than Drew!” I replied 100% earnestly as I smothered them in a desperate embrace.

From nearby, Rafe scoffed.

“Tch. Like we’d want to be related to you ~”

Before I had the time to come up with an insult, Rebecca came to my rescue.

“And of course, we all know why that is, don’t we Rafe?”

“Huh?” I questioned, blinking dumbly.

The darkening of Rafe’s cheeks at her statement ultimately went unnoticed as the ship that I’d be leaving on, pulled into LaRousse City’s dock, distracting me.

“Well . . .” I muttered, reluctantly taking a step towards the boat.

“W-W-WAIT!” A voice exclaimed suddenly, causing everyone to turn to look at the person who had spoken.

Weirdly enough, it was Tori – the little white haired boy who’d taken a liking to me due to the fact that he didn’t like Pokemon and I didn’t have any.

“Tori?” I questioned as he panted, walking towards me.

“I just – I wanted to tell you goodbye ~” He sputtered before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

“Oh, Tori ~” I cooed, returning the hug without hesitation.

“It’s not goodbye though – it’s more of a “See You Later” sort of thing, don’t 'cha think?” I told him, cocking my head to the side cutely.

“Ah, right ~” Tori stated before nodding curtly and releasing me from the hug.

“Now, if that’s all. I guess I should get going . . .” I stated after a moment or two, frowning at the thought of leaving the place that had always been my home behind.

“Laney . . .” Rafe murmured suddenly, tugging at my arm.

“What -- ?” I began, only to have my question smothered by his lips. . .?

WAY TO GO, RAFE MAN!” Sid shouted followed by an encouraging “KEN!” by Rafe’s Blaziken.

At having my very first kiss, taken from me so abruptly, I was too flustered to kiss back in time before Rafe pulled away.

“R-Rafe . . .?” I squeaked the moment I rediscovered the use of my voice box.

“Even if I’m not going with you, I still think you’re good company . . .”

He stated, closing his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets all “macho-like.”

“Yeah? Well, if you did then maybe you wouldn’t have waited so long to kiss me!” I spat, shoving him away from me.

“Whatever” He dismissed, turning around and heading towards Blaziken.

Honestly? He really pisses me off. I mean “Whatever” really? Who says stuff like that after forcing a kiss on someone?! UGH. >.<

“But . . .” He began, flicking a few strands of hair out of his face and causing me to wonder if I had spoken too soon.

“Come back soon, okay?”

A smile lit up my face at this as I turned away from the family and friends that had come to see me off on my “continuation” of my journey.

“Yeah, I’ll be sure to.”

Look out, world. POKEMASTER ‘LANEY’S coming for you ;). . . and Drew – that little f!@#$r.