Don't look back!

This means war.


“Please, oh legendary Pokemon in the sky – have mercy on me!” I wailed, falling to my knees.

World – you are a cruel, cruel place.


And as I am reduced to running for my life, you continue to get crueler.




[{W/ ASH, MAY, MAX, & BROCK!}]

“Alright! We’re almost to Mauville City, I can’t wait ~” Ash grinned, pumping a gloved fist in the air in enthusiasm.

His Pikachu let out a “Pi!” of agreement as the rest of the group could only smile.

“Wow, Ash. You sure are excited!” May commented.

“That’s Ash for you, nothing excites him more than the promise of a new battle, and a new gym badge!” Brock remarked.

“When I’m a Pokemon Trainer, I’m going to be just as pumped—” Max assured the group, adjusting his glasses like the smart little boy he was.

His sentence remained unfinished however as a sudden scream reached their ears.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” What the group presumed to be a girl screeched, followed by the sound of numerous buzzes and the ruffling of a few trees.

“W-What was . . .?” May began tentatively, her eyes darting around at their surroundings.

KYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYA!” And without further ado, a girl came sliding out of the trees followed by a swarm of ferocious Beedrill.

“Crap.” Ash murmured, and they all leapt for cover.

You know what’s funny? When your life is at stake – yet the only thing you can concentrate on is the eyes of the boy beneath you.

“So . . . pretty ~” I murmured. And only the watering of my eyes could remind me to even blink.

“U-Uhh, thanks?” The boy below me, with his messy black hair and deep black eyes, offered. It didn’t take a genius to see that he thought I was a huge creeper.

Returning to reality, I furiously shook my head so hard my hat nearly went flying.

Come on, Delaney. You’ve got Rafe, well . . . at least I think you’ve got Rafe? And more importantly, you’ve got BEEDRILL!

“Are you okay?” The boy asked, his eyes widening in concern.

In response, my hands clenched tightly at the fabric of his shirt.

“Please, please, don’t let them get me! I’m too pretty to have death by Poison Sting!”

No matter how serious I was being – the boy still found the audacity to laugh at me, right in my freaking face.

Therefore, I take it back. His eyes are about as attractive as a Lickitung. Feh. >.<

“Uhm, Miss?” A feminine voice – that I was quite sure did not belong to the boy, called out to me.

“Huh?” I questioned, glancing around until my eyes caught sight of a girl in a red bandanna.

“I’m pretty sure the Beedrill are gone . . .” She replied, sweat-dropping.

Blinking, I sat up so that I was now straddling Mister Jerk-faced boy.

“Oh . . . good deal, then.” I replied, grinning at her.

“Yeah so, could you get off of me?” Mister Jerk-faced boy inquired.

And, don’t judge me. >_> I don’t know their names, okay? Geez.

“I don’t know if I should, you were kinda rude earlier and—” I began snidely only to have a sharp, stinging feeling ripple throughout my entire body.

This of course, was accompanied by the sound of a loud, aggressive “PIKAAAA-CHUUU!”

I’m not quite sure what happened next, but I’m pretty sure that after everything went black I was no longer straddling the boy.


Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Freakin’ annoying . . .” I murmured, rolling onto my side and willing myself to fall back asleep.

“You guys, I think she’s awake . . .” Stated what sounded like a little kid.

“No she’s not . . .” I replied, not bothering to open my eyes.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Oh.My.God. If whoever is doing that doesn’t stop – you’re going to be bombarded with the worst Rage attack you’ve ever seen!” I roared, swatting away the hands that continued to prod at my cheek.

For a moment, everything was silent and then— Poke.

Without further ado, I bolted upright. And it was just my luck, that I would bang head’s with somebody.

“S-Sorry!” The same childish voice stuttered out as I glared viciously at the small, bespectacled boy that had previously been hovering above me.

“That seemed more like a headbutt attack to me . . .” Commented a familiar voice as I turned to catch sight of three strange people, sitting around a makeshift fire.

“Y-Yeah, well. Who asked you?” I retorted, narrowing my eyes at the brunette chick in the bandanna.

“Technically, you just asked her a question . . .” Reminded the guy beside of her, an older looking guy with squinted eyes and spiked hair.

Everyone’s out to get me today, aren’t they? Even people without eye balls. >>; -_-

“You know what?” I began, placing my hands on my hips rather sassily if I do say so myself.

Before I could continue however, I was interrupted.

“Hi, I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!”

And I’ll be damned if it wasn’t Mister Jerk-faced boy himself.

“Pallet Town . . .?” I murmured, pursing my lips.

“Never heard of it.” I finished, shrugging slightly.

Rather than being a jerk about it like I expected, he remained silent.

“That’s because it’s in the Kanto Region.” The boy beside of me remarked, standing up and dusting himself off.

“On the contrary, I’ve been to the Kanto Region ~” I retorted, my gaze bouncing around the area in search of my hat.

“I’ve just never been to Pallet Town.” I informed them truthfully as my gaze landed upon a small, orange bird Pokémon wearing my hat.

“Well, you should really go there sometime! It’s great!” Ash stated, pumping a fist in the air.

“I’ll take your word for it – but, why does that thing have my hat?” I retorted, shrugging off his enthusiasm.

“That’s not a thing, that’s my Torchic! And Torchic took it after you passed out . . .” The bandanna girl explained in-between mouthfuls of food.

“After I passed out? Oh—that’s right! Where’s the little mouse that thunder bolted me?”

I inquired sourly until I caught sight of the small yellow Pikachu at Ash’s side.

“Sorry about that! Pikachu normally doesn’t do that without warning . . . at least not anymore . . .” Ash murmured out a light apology, but I ignored it.

The little Pikachu glared at me, and I returned it two-fold.

Well, little mousey.’ I cackled inwardly. ‘THIS.MEANS.WAR!
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