Don't look back!

Don't call me that!


“Why are you glaring at my Pikachu like that?” Ash inquired, his eyes narrowing as he scooped the mouse Pokémon up into his arms rather protectively.

Defensively, I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

“Why is your Pikachu glaring at me like that?” I shot back, feeling irritated.

In response, Ash and his band of wackos turned to glance at the Pikachu who was now smiling innocently.

“Uhh . . .” Ash began, probably thinking I was stupid.

“What an evil little rat!” I retorted, pursing my lips.

“Pikachu is not an evil rat! Take it back!” Ash ordered, balling his gloved hands into fists.

“No.” I replied childishly.

“TAKE IT BACK!” He repeated, nearly foaming at the mouth.

“Who’s gonna make me?” I challenged, grinning snidely.

Certainly not little Ashy-poo ~ Mwahah, I wonder . . . if I call him that, do you think it’ll piss him off? >:D

“I AM! Uh, wait . . .” Ash declared, pausing to scratch his cheek.

“What’s your name?” He inquired causing me to nearly face-plant straight into the grass.

“Uhm – Delaney, thanks.” I answered rolling my eyes at the moronic trainer.

In the background, I distinctly heard the older eyeball-less guy cough awkwardly.

“Well then, Delaney, I challenge you to a Pokémon battle!”

My eyes widened as I took a step back.

“A Pokémon battle . . .?” I repeated, my lips quivering.

When Ash only nodded confidently in return, I sighed.

You know what? I honestly don’t do battles – or at least, not anymore.

“Well – I don’t really – do battles . . .” I decided to tell him, albeit carefully.

“Seriously? You’re not scared, are ya’?” Ash taunted, grinning boyishly.

In agreement, his Pikachu stood aggressively in front of him, uttering a simple “PIKA!”

“Of your face maybe . . .” I spat before I could help myself.

In response, the bandanna girl stood up abruptly.

“HEY! THAT’S NOT VERY NICE, YOU KNOW!” She chided, narrowing her eyes.

“I’ll deal with you later, little red bandanna in the hood!” I retorted mockingly causing her to twitch in what was probably irritation.

And yes, I tend to have that effect on people. But – what can I say? It’s a gift.

“Humph.” The girl retorted, huffing as she stalked over to her Torchic who was still wearing my prized possession – my kickass hat.

Note to self; Get that SOON. : ]

“Hey! Are you even listening to me?!” Ash exclaimed, waving his hands around wildly.

It took me a minute to understand that he must have been saying something to me.

“What is it, Ashy-poo?” I inquired blandly, not really concerned with what he had to say.

“What the—? Don’t call me that! Anyway, you’re out here on your own so you must be a trainer. And if that’s the case, then you can’t refuse my challenge!”

Ash insisted, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out he wasn’t the type to back down.

Or in other words—

“Dude, are you always this ornery?” I asked incredulously.

As if blatantly ignoring my inquiry, Ash grinned.

“BATTLE ME!” He roared.

To wipe that smug expression off his face, I would gladly.

But, if you’ve tuned in with me to witness my previous conversation with Rafe – well you might be aware that I don’t have any Pokémon.

Or, at least I didn’t until my mom stepped up to plate.

With her, she’d do anything to get me out of the house.

As I hesitantly pulled out a single Pokeball out of my backpack, completely unaware of what was inside of it . . .

Well, let’s just say I was way too intently considering the fact that mom may or may not have murdered a guy to get it. >_> Put don’t spread that around, children. ~

“Okay, Ash.” I began, nervously tightening my grip around the Pokéball.

“This is how it’s going to go down, ‘kay? It’s going to be one on one. And if I – God Forbid – win this match, I get the right to refer to the little yellow beast however I want to.” I explained, pressing the button on my Pokéball in order to enlarge it.

At this, Ash glared coldly at me whilst his Pikachu let a few sparks fly from his blotchy red cheeks.

“What if we win?” Ash questioned, still not looking too pleased with me.

“That’s up for you to decide ~” I trilled, shrugging my shoulders and secretly hoping he wasn’t some pervert with a green-hair fetish or something to that accord.

It was quiet for a moment, before Ash reached up to tug his hat down, covering his eyes.

“If Pikachu and I win, then you travel with us ~” Ash declared and at this statement, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one taken aback.

“Are you sure about this, Ash?” Bandanna girl asked, her mouth so wide I was entirely too sure a Snorlax could fit inside it. Heh. XD

“She’s not very nice, after all.” The little boy seated beside of her reasoned.

“Pika Pi?” The Pikachu interjected, seeming just as startled by the idea.

Ash allowed a small smile to consume his handsome, er, weird face.

“May, Max, Pikachu . . .” He began, looking at the girl, the boy, and the rat respectively.

“I’m determined to get her to change her opinion of Pikachu, and if that means her traveling around Hoenn with us – the more the merrier, right?” He offered, laughing slightly afterwords.

“Ash . . .” The girl muttered, or I guess her name’s May. Whatever the case, her facial features softened at Ash’s little speech.

“He really cares about Pikachu.” The unknown older guy remarked wisely, nodding to himself.

After he spoke, it was quiet for a minute.

So, this weird Pallet Town, Cap wearing, Pikachu-loving, Kanto Region jerk wants me to travel with him and the rest of the Addams Family, huh . . .?

“So, how about it – Delaney?” Ash inquired, grinning ruefully at me.

“Uhh . . .” I murmured quietly glancing down at my Pokéball.

Well, I’m lost and my little brother is nowhere in sight . . .

And if I travel with these kiddos, I’ll run into him eventually, right?

Pft. That rhymed. Tee-hee.

And anyway, it’s not like Ash Ketchum is going to necessarily defeat me . . .

I’ve had EXPERIENCE! . . . even if I haven’t battled with a Pokémon for awhile.

Not since Stella . . .

“Delaney?” Ash repeated, becoming impatient.

Shaking my suddenly depressing thoughts out of my head with a swish of my hair, I prepared myself for the most excitement I’ve had in a long ass time.

“You’ve got a deal, Ashy-poo ♥~”

“GREAT!” Ash began, doing some weird sort of victory stance.

It took a couple of moments before the use of my nickname dawned on him.


Despite how critical the situation at hand really was, at his frustration I couldn’t help but laugh.