Don't look back!



“Pikachu! Are you ready?!” Ash inquired, as his small beastly partner turned to nod at him.

“Pika!” It squeaked, confidence radiating from its cute – er, beastly tone.

“Erm . . .” I began, glancing down at my Pokéball.

“Aren’t you going to call out your Pokémon . . .?” Ash questioned, giving me a definite “Are you stupid?” type glance.

“Uhm, durr!” I scoffed, feigning cockiness as I did a cute little twirl followed by tossing my Pokéball into the air.

Before it made contact with the ground, a red light shot out in preparation for the appearance of my Pokémon.

Ash and his friends looked expectantly at it as I smiled lightly.

“Strut your stuff – uh partner?” I encouraged lamely.

In response to my statement, my Pikachu opponent only shook its head in dismay.

I’m guessing that my Pokémon introduction skills need work . . . -_-***

I expected something either remotely badass or ickle and cute, unfortunately my mom’s definition of either must be a bit warped.

Twitching slightly, I tried my best to decipher what exactly it was that came out of the Pokéball.

I took a few cautioned steps forward as the pink blob turned to stare at me.

Weirdly enough, I was even taken aback by the fact that this thing had a mouth.

“I-Is that jello?” I inquired incredulously reaching out to poke the blob with my index finger.

Like I figured it would – it jiggled.

“Huh – that’s weird . . .” I mumbled, slightly unsure what to think at this point as I wiped my finger off on my bag, just in case any gooey stuff got on me.

As if offended by my statement, the jello blob let out an inhuman huff.

“Di ~” It stated, turning away from me.

Snorting, I momentarily ignored it as I walked over to its discarded Pokéball and picked it up.

Meanwhile, during the jello blob and I’s little display, Ash the rest of the onlookers could only face-plant.

“C’mon, Delaney!” Ash began, seeming slightly annoyed.

“Stalling isn’t nice. And I mean really? How could you confuse your Pokémon with Jello?” Ash retorted, rolling his eyes at me.

“Uhm, I’m sorry, Mister Know.It.All. What am I supposed to confuse it with?” I retorted, defending my actions no matter how stupid they may have been.

“Nothing. There’s really nothing else you can compare a Ditto to . . .” The little boy interjected, his glasses shining in no-apparent light.

Immediately my eyes sparkled as I returned my attention to the jello blob.

“So that’s what you are – a DITTO!” I exclaimed, realization dawning on me.

The Ditto only frowned at me, not bothering to confirm my statement.

Across from me, Ash Ketchum burst into laughter.

“Ahah, Delaney you’re really funny! Isn’t she, Pikachu?” He exclaimed between chuckles to his partner.

Although the rat also seemed rather amused, it failed to agree. “Pika . . .>.< ”

“What’cha talking about, Ketchum?” I inquired, tired of Ash’s laughing at my expense.

“You acting like you’ve never even met your own Pokémon before!” Ash replied, his laughter finally dieing down.

“Well . . .” I began, nervously hopping from foot to foot.

In response, Ash, May, “Max”, the rat, and – gee, I should really learn that older guy’s name.

But for now, he will be dubbed “He who never blinks.” Sound good? I thought so. ~

Anyway – they all, much to my delight, spouted one single solitary word in perfect unison.


While I was quite curious as to whether or not they practiced it, I merely sighed.

“Geez, you guys are drama queeeeeens.” I slurred boredly.

It made me rather proud when, for once in its life, my Ditto agreed.

“Ditto, Di ~”

“But you – how could you have never met your Pokémon before?” Ash questioned finally, his eyes so wide I thought they might be permanently stuck that way.

“Ah . . .” I began.

Did I really want to explain everything to them right now?




No, I don’t have the patience to. XD

“I’ll tell you later, Ashy-poo.” I dismissed with a wave of my hand.

Before he had a chance to reply, I knelled before my pink little Pokémon.

“So, does anybody know what this thing does?”



“Ditto, the Transform Pokémon. It has the ability to rearrange its’ cellular structure into whatever it sees.”

I blinked several times at this, glancing from the Pokédex Ash had so kindly let me borrow for a bit and then to my strange little partner.

“Ditto?” It began blankly whilst it well – I guess slithered is the right word – towards me.

“So you can transform into like, anything?” I questioned, feeling rather unsure.

In response its body flowed up and down in what I assumed to be some weird little nod.

“Such as a Pokémon?” I ventured, the gears slowly turning in my fabulous head.

“Ditto, Ditto.” It agreed in an upbeat tone.

“And can you – Iunno – mimic a Pokémon’s powers?” I inquired as the Ditto let out another murmur of agreement.

Immediately, I plastered a smirk upon my face.

“’Kay, little jello-cup.” I began although I turned to face Ash rather than Ditto.

“Let’s kick some rat.” I snarled as Ash and his Pikachu seemed slightly pissed off at my statement.

Despite their reactions, I couldn’t help but feel giddy.

In the war between rat and pretty trainer – and especially in this battle, I think I will prevail. ;)