Kiss Me

Kiss Me

I open my eyes and roll over just in time for my alarm clock to go off right in my ear. I guess it's to get up. Sighing, I stand up and walking into my bathroom, looking back at my dog, Sam, curled up on my bed still sleeping. I can't believe it's already Friday. I've missed home, and the days seemed so long leading up to coming back, but as soon as I get here, they speed up 10x faster. I mean I love Atlanta, but I will always miss this place. Nowhere can ever replace where I grew up.

I turn on the hot water and stare at myself in the mirror. For the first time in a long time I see that boy that grew up here, just a normal morning hating, hockey playing kid from a small town, just a normal kid. But I look again, and it's not that I see anymore. I see the pop sensational singer Justin Bieber.

Yeah, I love my fans, my crew, seeing the world, and everything else, but I will always miss normal things. But that is what you get when your famous. I strip down, and step into the shower. The hot water wakes me up and warms me up right away. I didn't know how cold I had been just standing their in my boxers.

After my shower I dry off and get dressed for my last normal day in a while. I blow dry my hair and flip it the normal way. Then I walk out into the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast. "Good Morning, Justin," she said smiling.

I yawned, "Good Morning, Mom." She was making pancakes. She said she would be done in a minute, so I walked into the dining room, to sit down. Sitting their I saw a sight, Usher.

"Hey! When did you get here?"

He smiled, "About an hour ago, just flew in, I have a concert in Toronto tonight, so I decided to stop by and say Hello, because I wasn't going to see you for a couple of weeks."

"Nice, where else are you going?"

"After today, we are going to Europe for a week, a couple benefit concerts, nothing new."

"That's cool--"

"--The pancakes are done," my mom, Pattie, said interrupting me.

"Well, I better go, I have a drive to get to," Usher said standing up.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for breakfast?"

"No thanks, I really have to be heading out, but thanks." And with that he left. It's nice to see Usher, I haven't seen him lately because of concerts and my trip home.

We ate breakfast and I decided to go and take Sam on a walk. He was really excited, I think he misses me as much as I miss him, but he doesn't like it in cars, he'll bark and whimper until he gets out, so he can't go on tour with me. We walked around the block, and I said goodbye to my best friends Chaz and Ryan.

Being on tour is lots of fun, but sometimes I wish I had someone that could always be with me, like Sam, I wonder if my mom would let me get another dog. He could live with me in Atlanta, and I wouldn't have to be so sad to leave Sam.

When we got home from our walk, I dried off Sam and myself from the slight drizzle outside, and took off my jacket. With that I headed into the living room to find my mom and grandma gossiping about some TV show.

"Mom?" I asked.

She turned to look at me. "Yeah?"

"I was wondering if I could get another dog to live with me in Atlanta, since Sam can't. I said, smiling sweetly.

She looked at me for a second, and then said, "I don't see why not, you can go to the pet shop when we get back in town alright?" with a smile.

I ran up and hugged her, "Thanks!"


Pulling up to my house in Atlanta, all I wanted to do was get out and unpack so I could go over to the Pet Shop. And that is what I did. I bet it was a record, I unpacked in 6 minutes. Then I ran down stairs and told my mom I was leaving. She looked at me in astonishment. It normally takes me a half hour to unpack all of my stuff. She let me have the keys to my car, and I left.

It felt amazing driving my Range Rover, I don't get to often, so this was a treat. I drove around until I found a pet shop that looked promising. I put up my hood, trying not to get noticed, and walked in.

It was nice and warm, and I walked straight over to where I saw a sign for puppies, they were over in the corner, at the other end of the store. Other than a guy working the cash register, I saw a girl my age helping an older lady with bird food. I walked over to the puppies, they were the cutest little things, so tiny.

They were light brown, and white. I picked one up she was the smallest one of the litter, the runt, just sitting by herself in the corner of the pin.

"She is my favorite, I call her Kalie."

I turned around to see the girl that had been helping the older lady, now standing behind me. She had blond hair with some brown, and sparkling, blue eyes.

"Yeah, she is cute."

"I'm Sabrina by the way." She said looking at me.

"Justin," I said taking my hood off.

I saw something in her eyes, what I thought was her recognizing me, but she didn't say anything, so I don't know. "Well, I think this little Kalie is coming home with me," I said smiling.

"That's great, I was afraid no one would take her, the runts always get picked last, no matter, how sweet, I would of took her of course, if my parents would let me, but, they say a dog and 2 horses are plenty," Sabrina said, not losing her dazzling smile.

"So your a horse girl," I asked truly interested.

"Yeah, I jump, my mom got me this bracelet, when I took first place in the state last month," she stated happily.

"Wow, that is really good!"

"I guess so." she replied, blushing a great deal.

"Well, could you help me pick out some of things for Kalie? My other dog back home is a boy, so I think I may need a little help," I say. And we both start laughing.


After we pick out a pink bed, some toys, a collar, leash, and everything else she followed me up to the cash register, to find that the guy left.

"I didn't know we took so long," she said giggling, "we have been here for an hour and a half!"

"Wow, well that could be why Kalie fell asleep!" I said laughing.

I checked out and was about to walk out the door, when I stopped turned around.

"Something wrong, Justin?"

"I forgot something," I stated. She looked confused, and I walked back over to the counter.


"Well...can I borrow a pen?" I asked slyly. She looked at me kind of funny handed me one from the counter. "This pen doesn't work..."

"What? You haven't even tried it!"

"Don't believe me? Fine, here, take it and write your number right here on my arm." She was blushing bright red, but she wrote it.

"Why, I guess it does work, you were right." I said smiling and walking back towards the door, right when I opened it to walk out I heard her say what sounded like to me "I hope you know I'm expecting to hear from you now...Mr. Bieber". I turned around to see her smiling. I guess she did know it was me.

I walked out all the way smiling, with Kalie in my arms I put her and all of her stuff in the passenger seat of my car. I drove home, and before I got out, I saved Sabrina's contact, and sent her a message.

'7:30, Chili's?' right after I showed my mom Kalie, and put all off her stuff away, I walk into my room to find a text waiting for me.


Oh Of Course(:


I had her text me her address earlier, now I'm on my way to pick her up. Some dates by the time I get this far, I wanna undo them. I mean, being me, not to sound cocky or anything, but I can't just date like a regular guy, and they can't be someone that is going to spread rumors and I truly believe that Sabrina won't but with my luck, who knows?

I find her house, its a gorgeous white one. I walk up to her door and knock, a guy, I believe is her dad, opens the door.

"Hello," he said while looking at me.

"Hello," I said smiling, "is Sabrina here?"

"Yeah, you must be Justin, come on in." He looked like he didn't like me already, that's great...not.

"Wow, your house is amazing!" I stated happily.

"Uh, yeah thanks..."

"Your Welcome."

"So, Justin, how old are you?"

"16," I replied, this is one thing that gets kind of touchy, a lot parents don't like that I'm 'Famous' but we'll see.

"Sabrina is only 15," he stated like it would make a difference to me.

"That's nice," I said laughing. He looked at me questionably.

"So what school do you go to?"

"Well, I am home schooled..."

"Oh, why is that?"

"It's to hard to miss so much school, and since I travel all the time, I can't go to a normal school, so I have a tutor that with me so my career doesn't interrupt my school work." Here it comes, I knew exactly his next question, and this is the one that makes it or breaks it.

"What do you do that you travel so much?" He asked, he looked really confused.

"Uh, I'm a professional singer..." I said slowly.

He raised his eye brow then looked at me closer, "Justin...Bieber." It wasn't a question. Sabrina or someone must listen to my music.

"Yeah, that's me."

He was about to say something when Sabrina walked down the stairs.

"Sorry, I took so long, I just couldn't find anything that looked right," she said blushing.

"It's no problem, but wow, your...beautiful!" I said, and she blushed even more.

"Well, we better get going," She hugged her father, and walked with me to the door and I opened it for her, I was about to follow her out when her dad called me back. I told her she can just get in the car and I'll be right back.


"Just because your famous, doesn't mean you don't have to treat her right, you better treat her like a little princess, not like her other boyfriends," he said sternly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I said truthfully.

"Good, have fun."

I walked back out and got into the car. Sabrina wanted to know what happen, I just told her that her dad wanted to talk to me, that it was nothing big.

We got to Chili's at 8:00, which was perfect because that was the time of my reservations. Their wasn't a lot of people, which is good, because the worst thing on a date is being surrounded and giving out autographs. I love my fans, but some times I want some space.

We both ordered and ate, we talked the whole time, it was so easy to talk to her, it was like we've known each other for such a long time. I have to say it was one of my favorite dates ever, so simple, but with a great girl.

After the date I drove her home and walked her to her door, we said good night, and I hugged her, most of the time I don't kiss on the first date. She opened the door and started to walk in but just grabbed something and grabbed my arm to make me wait.

"Yeah?" Without talking she grabbed my arm and and wrote something on it.

"I just needed to make sure the pen worked," she said winking, "I guess it does."

I looked down on my arm, and in the same neat hand writing that she had written her phone number, were to small words. Kiss Me

I gazed up at her eyes, and leaned in as she did, and as polite as I am, I always do what girls ask, so I kissed her.
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I hope you like it(: I spent a lot of time on it, it was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be! Please Comment and tell me what you think!!
