Hey Romeo, Get Away From My Window

Chapter 3

"So what school do you go to?" Jem asked as he sipped his coffee.

Cain stayed over Marlene and Jem's house for an hour, mostly made up of awkward silences between Cain and Jem. He offered her tea, she accepted and decided that it might be better if she did.

"I dropped out of NYU three days ago," she took a sip. Again, another awkward silence appeared after each sentence. They averted their eyes away from each other, trying not to make any eye contact at all.

Jem wondered if he should even touch on the subject of why she dropped out. He played different scenerios in his mind. Maybe she ran out of money and wasn't able to continue school. Or maybe she dropped out because her brain practically explodeded at each and every class.

"Yeah I don't go either," he blurted. He glanced up at her every second to observe her expression. Her flowing her was tied up in a ponytail that swayed gently everytime she moved her head.

"Oh ok," she nodded. Marlene stayed in her room watching some T.V. show that she enjoyed. Cain didn't really pay much attention to her after she brought Cain back upstairs. Jem knew that his little sister still had enough sanity to watch T.V. by herself without setting something on fire.

"Its getting late, I'm sure your family is getting worried," he finished the last of his coffee. She shot her head up, raising her eyebrow at him. She thought in her mind that he wanted to kick her out.

"Highly doubt they're worrying about me," she brushed her bangs away from her eyes. He swallowed the guilt, knowning she probably got to wrong impression.

"They are your family after all," he nervously stated.

"Family is the last thing on my mind," she pushed away the decorated cup. Jem helped the tension grow. Cain didn't mind the questions, she wasn't some ignorant child that Marlene pulled out of the streets. She knew that Jem had no idea what her mind and heart experienced in the past 24 hours.

"Do you mind me asking what happened?" He leaned closer towards her. For a second she studied his expression, wondering what his plan was. Was he going to blackmail her? Was he trying to pretend to be interested to get in her pants? She had nothing left to lose.

"My boyfriend cheated on me with my sister," she coughed at the end of the sentence.

"I'm sorry," he reached his hand out to touch her. She let him, and stared straight into those eyes.

"Its okay." she smiled
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so hoped you liked it(: I got two new subscribers after I lost like 3.
tell me what you think <3