Status: In progress

Child of Burning Time


The next few days she stayed cooped up in the house, mostly confining herself to her room with a good book. When Henry inquired several times what was ailing her, she merely said she was feeling under the weather. The look in his eyes every time she lied made her cringe; he suspected exactly what was wrong with her, and it certainly had nothing to do with any sort of flu.

One morning there came a knock on her bedroom door. “Come in!” She called out, marking her place in the book she was reading and setting it up on the nightstand.

To her surprise it was Henry, looking a little nervous. “Quite frankly, I’m concerned about you,” He said, wringing his hands. “There’s to be a ball tonight, and it would please me very much if you could accompany me. A change of scenery might do some good.”

Instantly she felt guilty for behaving the way she had the past few days. Mustering up a smile, she nodded. “Yes, I’m feeling much better. I would like to get out of the house for a bit, even if it’s for some stuffy old ball.”

This brought forth a laugh from Henry, and she could see the comment had eased him considerably. “Excellent, please be ready by six o’clock. I’ll have the carriage waiting for us.”

When he had closed the door, she let out a frustrated sigh. Here she was, being silly again! Why was she hiding out in her room like a coward? She really shouldn’t let him get to her like that. The ball was looking more and more to be a great idea. And she wished he would be there; she would show him that his insult hadn’t affected her in the least. She would dance and laugh and be joyful, all the while completely ignoring him. The thought alone made her feel like smiling.

So Adella put on her finest dress, battled with her hair until it was perfect, and put on a smear of bright red lipstick. Her determination brought an attractive color to her cheeks, and she couldn’t help but smile at herself in the mirror. Tonight would certainly prove to be very interesting, to say the least.

Henry raised his eyebrows in surprise when she appeared in the foyer, ready to leave. “You look beautiful, my dear,” He stated with fatherly pride. “I doubt you’ll be standing still much, what with all the gentlemen that will surely ask you to dance.”

She laughed at him, shaking her head. “You flatter me too much, Henry,” She scolded with a smile.

He did not respond to this, though she saw by the look on his face that he disagreed. She took the arm he offered her, and they stepped outside and into the carriage. Worry once again crossed the older man’s features. “I’m sure you are probably aware that Dorian will most likely make an appearance tonight.” He began.

Adella nodded, her features unwavering from their calm expression. “Yes, I am. But it matters not; there will be plenty more interesting people to speak and dance with. Don’t you agree?”

Roaring laughter met this comment, surprising her. “I do believe Dorian will regret very much snubbing you that day. He stands no chance.” There was amusement twinkling in Henry’s eyes. “It’s about time he got a taste of his own medicine.”

A grin crossed her face, and she wasn’t the least bit embarrassed knowing Henry was very much aware of what she was doing. It felt nice to have a partner in crime, someone to conspire with. The carriage was ready and waiting, and after being helped inside, they were on their way. Despite her calm outward appearance, Adella found that she was rather anxious. She was conflicted. Part of her didn’t want Dorian to show up at all, just to spare her the confusing feelings his presence always brought. But on the other hand, she did want him to show up so she could look radiant and pointedly ignore him, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Henry laid a hand gently on her own, giving them a quick squeeze. “Do not let him get to you, Adella. Tonight, all eyes in the room will be on you.”

This did make her feel a little better, although now she was beginning to worry about doing something that might be embarrassing. As the carriage came to a stop outside of the venue, she took a deep breath and held her head high. No matter what she may be feeling on the inside, she would not let it show. She would be strong and regal and graceful.

As the ascended the outside stairs and gave their names to the announcer, she gave Henry a wicked smile, which he returned with a wink. The voice of the announcer quieted the revelers on the floor below. “May I present Miss Adella Snowe and Lord Henry Wotton.”

The pair stepped out from the left, center on the stairs and began their descent to a collective gasp. Looking up through her lashes, Adella saw that everyone was staring at them with either jealousy (the ladies) or wonder (the men). Her eyes quickly scanned the room, though she assumed he would be fashionably late as always.

And so she nearly faltered in her steps as her eyes landed on Dorian Gray, standing in the center of the room. A champagne flute was held up in his hand, as if he had began to take a sip but had forgotten at the last moment. The dawning realization that that must have been exactly what happened brought a light blush to her cheeks. There was no way the look on his face could be awe. Could it?

They had reached the bottom without mishap, and almost instantly were bombarded with introductions and small talk as everyone gravitated towards them. A couple of the young gentlemen asked her to dance, and she obliged them happily enough. Edmund approached, tapping her current partner on the shoulder. “May I?” He asked politely, and the other man bowed out.

“You look absolutely ravishing, Miss Snowe.” Edmund complemented her as they turned around on the floor.

She smiled shyly up at him, laughing a little. “Thank you, Mr. Hargrave. You, as well.”

To her surprise he laughed at this, though it was a rather bold and silly comment.
“You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met,” He said, his gaze and smile soft. “I should like very much-”

He stiffened suddenly as someone tapped him on his shoulder. “May I?” An icy voice asked in amusement.

Adella wanted to rudely tell him no, she was otherwise occupied. But Edmund reluctantly bowed out politely, Dorian taking her hand and placing a hand upon her waist. “You’re exquisite,” He murmured, his gaze boring into hers. “But I detect a slight change in attitude. What might have brought this on?”

She looked around desperately for an escape, but there was no one to help. Henry was engaged in conversation with some very important men, and the other young gentlemen were too afraid to interrupt Dorian. “No reason in particular,” She answered hastily, looking everywhere but at his face.

“Do not think I haven’t noticed your absence about town these last few days.” He said in a low voice. “Did I hurt your feelings, Miss Snowe?”

At this her eyes snapped up to his. “Certainly not, Mr. Gray. There would have to be feelings there in the first place for you to hurt them.”

A chuckle escaped him, sending shivers up her spine. “I like this new Adella,” He nearly purred, pulling her a little closer. “I think we could have a bit of fun together. What do you think?”

The song had thankfully come to an end, and she maneuvered expertly out of his hold on her waist. But his hand still gripped hers firmly. Without waiting for an answer, he bowed and kissed her hand. “Until our next dance, Miss Snowe.”

His words held nothing of the innocence they would have had someone else said them. He seemed to reluctantly let go of her hand and disappear into the crowd, leaving her feeling flushed and annoyed. How was it he always managed to get under her skin?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long absence. Things have been incredibly busy these past few months. Finally have some time to breathe.