The Scarecrow


The beginning of my story originates in a dreary, weather-confused place called Connecticut.

All was the same; Boring and conforming, Until the year 2010 rolled around. A string of unfortunate events started to occur.

Random missing citizens, Ghastly crime scenes littered the streets. In their wake, all that was left was an intriguing signature.

A Scarecrow. It was left in the midst of every location, signaling that the wrong-doer had been there.
The police had nothing left to do besides hope for 'The Scarecrow' -As they had named the perpetrator- to get bored and move to a different location to terrorize.

But how could The Scarecrow get bored in a place like this?

Where everyone was stupidly unaware of every danger that lurked behind the clam facade of their suburb.
Where everyone felt safe from the shadows, even if they were in the pitch black darkness.

No, The Scarecrow was not bored.
The Scarecrow was having far too much fun to leave now.

The Scarecrow was out for the kill.

I am merely reporting the misfortunate tale of The Scarecrow.

I know who the Scarecrow is.
I know what goes through their head.

Do you wish for me to inform you?
Because I honestly think you do.

You couldn't even begin to fathom the logic behind the Scarecrow's actions.

You see, The Scarecrow was only looking for a bit of fun on a Friday night...

But all went wrong that night.

Do you feel that I should explain to you what had happened?
Do you really?

I cannot even begin to understand your interest.
Why would you ever want to learn of a cold-blooded monster?

Are you that demented?

To wish of such a thing. I don't believe that you understand what you are getting into when you request such a horrid task.
Sure, you must want to know more of this story. Who wouldn't?
It's mysterious and vague.
Irritatingly so, I presume.

But, do you want to know The Scarecrow's deepest feelings, thoughts?
I don't believe that you do.
Because if you did, you'd probably be dead, bleeding on the floor by now.

The Scarecrow would've found out.
The Scarecrow would've found you.
The Scarecrow would've known..

The Scarecrow would have made you pay for your intrigue.

Scary, isn't it?

Well, that's what the Scarecrow's for.
To make you a nightmare of it's own design.

Well, have I frightened you enough for one page?
Or do you still want more?

Well, darling; I believe you have yourself a death wish.

I've got your order, and it's
Coming right up.