The Scarecrow


Did you know, that The Scarecrow was a person?
No, I really didn't think so...
Even though it's completely obvious...

Because you're not even supposed to be reading this.
You know that this is against the rules, right?

To be engrossed in such a tale.

The last pages you read were nothing, noting compared to what is to come.
Do you wish to continue on this journey?
Well, I still don't believe you.
Make me believe, won't you?

I think you deserve much more than what I have been giving you.
Because you are so persistent, still glued onto this page; I suspect you want more.
Then more is what I'll give you.

After the Scarecrow's epiphany on the pharmacy's rooftop, it fled.
Fled into the darkness of it's mind.
That's where the Scarecrow felt safe, safe from people's ignorance and judgment.
So that is where the Scarecrow stayed.
For an immeasurable amount of time.

It could have been months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds.
But it didn't really matter did it?
Not when there was nothing to look forward to. No upcoming event that it felt obliged to attend.
No, there was nothing to do, besides plan.
Plan it's long past due revenge.

The Scarecrow was now walking on a sidewalk, the Scarecrow had no idea where it lead, but kept on walking anyway.
That's what you do when you have nothing to do.
The Scarecrow laughed bitterly at it's logic.
The Scarecrow came upon a large grocery store, giant red letters were positioned on the front of the building, Big Y.
The Scarecrow only realized that it had nothing to eat for a while until it heard the loud grumble inside of it's body.

The Scarecrow clutched it's stomach and walked briskly inside.
The heat flew past the Scarecrow and it had realized that it was freezing outside.
The Scarecrow walked through the aisles, enjoying the heat.
Grabbing a basket, the Scarecrow picked up some non-perishable food items.
The super-market was very nearly empty. Only a few people scattered here and there. There were only about two cashiers.
One on their iPod, immersed in some sort of game, the other half-asleep on their little stool.
The Scarecrow shook it's head, and continued it's shopping.
After grabbing a large gallon of water it walked toward the exit doors.
They opened with a quiet ''Whoosh' of freezing cold air.
The Scarecrow didn't look back to see if there were people frantically shouting because some teenager had just walked out with a basket full of unpaid-for food. Because the Scarecrow didn't care.

You see, If you go into a store and put things in your pocket is 'Stealing'. If you go into a store and walk out with something is called 'Not giving a fuck, and just taking it'.

I don't know about you folks, but that makes perfect sense to me.

All the Scarecrow needed right now was a ride and a place to sleep tonight.

The Scarecrow started to think.
I could steal a car and then sleep in it. Or I could steal a car and find an abandoned warehouse to sleep in. Well, the abandoned warehouse seems more promising, more room.
The Scarecrow decided to just start with the car and go on from there.
The Scarecrow roamed the parking lot for a promising car, or at least one with the keys inside.
There were about seven cars in the parking lot, the Scarecrow went up to each one and looked inside.
One had a purse, another with a massive amount of stuffed animals, two with that red bar to keep people from stealing it, and then there was one with the keys in the ignition.

The Scarecrow wrenched the door open of the Kia and jumped inside, throwing the basket of food in the backseat.
The Scarecrow turned the keys and it came to life under the Scarecrow's seat. The Scarecrow smiled and began to drive away from the grocery store.
Once a good distance, the Scarecrow parked.
The Scarecrow began to search the car.
In the glove compartment there were the usual driver's manuals and napkins from different fast food restaurants. In the back seat there was a black leather jacket. The Scarecrow tried it on and it was just a bit to big, but it'll do.
In the middle console there was a tiny bottle of whiskey, a pack of cigarettes, four lighters, and black driving gloves.
The Scarecrow grabbed the pack if cigarettes and lit one swiftly. They weren't the kind that The Scarecrow prefered but, again, they will do.
The Scarecrow got out of the car and went to the back of the car, popping the trunk.
The Scarecrow opened it slowly, hoping that there wasn't a dead body in the trunk, then It'd have to have that to take care of.

No dead body.

The Scarecrow sighed in relief and began to open the box inside.
There were family pictures, a ring box, and a blue plastic pouch.
The Scarecrow unzipped it and read the little note that fell.

Here's all the money that you wold have paid that whore.
I hope she was worth it,
I'm glad I divorced you.
Bye, Bastard.
Fuck You, JoAnne

The Scarecrow burst out laughing, nearly falling onto the wet ground beneath it. The Scarecrow was clutching it's sides, and decided to keep that note forever.
The Scarecrow looked inside the pouch and was surprise to find a little over 1,000 dollars inside.

Now the Scarecrow had a dilemma.
The Scarecrow now had money, for a place to stay...
But where was the adventure in that?
The Scarecrow still wanted to find that abandoned warehouse.
Plus, if the Scarecrow bought a hotel room, someone would be able to find him, if the Scarecrow ever had a semi-permanent place to stay.
And if the Scarecrow couldn't find that warehouse, the Scarecrow would sleep in the car.

The Scarecrow shut the trunk and got back into the car, immediately turning on the heat.
The Scarecrow felt that the money was for emergencies, gas, and things that the Scarecrow couldn't steal.

I will end this little piece here.

For I believe that you do not understand.
Understand that, this is the luckiest thing that will happen to the Scarecrow in a very long while.
I'm sure that you think the Scarecrow is all badass because it steals things and laugh at other people's misery.
Well, my friend, you are wrong.

The Scarecrow is not intentionally 'Badass', The Scarecrow just doesn't care.

The Scarecrow steals things because it needs to.
The Scarecrow laughs at other people's misery because it's funny.

But that's all I have to give you right now.

Because that's all I think you deserve..
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks Subscriber #1! I heart you!