Love After Parting

Nurse's Office

When I woke again I was in a room with white walls . I sat up and rubbed my throbbing head.

"Where am I?" I asked to the room, seeing nobody with me.

"You're in the nurse's office," said a women with graying hair and brown eyes. She had a friendlly smile plastered onto her face. "I'm Mrs. Fay, the school nurse."

"How did I get here? I was in the hallway..." I could hear the confusion in my voice. She closed the door and I saw Eli sitting in a plastic chair. I felt like an idiot as memories of my passing out came flooding back. He must think I'm stupid.

"Are you okay, Rose?" It sounded like there was concern in his voice, but she must be imagining it. He couldn't really care about a spaz like her.

"I'm fine thanks." I stood and shock for a minute before Eli's arm steadied me. He handed me my things.

"I'll walk you to homeroom, I have Ms. Scaff too." Before I couls stop him he was pulling me down the hall, past my locker and into a classroom.

"You two are late!" a scolding voice informed us. "Homeroom started five minutes ago."

"I'm sorry Ms. Scaff. There was an accident." Eli's voice was calm and commanding, and he walked up to her and handed her a piece of paper. She read it and nodded.

"Please sit over there," was all she had to say about it.

Eli led me to my seat and I could feel people's stares burning into my back. I sat and put my head down, unable to look up until Ms. Scaff said "Penge, Rosalina."

"Yes?" I jerked my head up. There were a few laughs and the boy sitting on the oppisite side of me from Eli leaned over and whispered, "she's taking attendance." He saw my blannk expression.

"Attendence is seeing who is here and who isn't."

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." I could tel this school would be a lot different then my old one.
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It's getting to the romance. :)(: