Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase - Point of View-

"Mr.Greene!' I heard my name being shouted from the front of my math class. I lifted my gaze from my name covered notebook and gazed at my teacher.

"Yes, Mrs.Smith?" I responded calmly, my mind elsewhere

"What is the answer to the question on the board?" she asked distastefully. I looked behind her, my bright green eyes a sudden contrast against my jet black hair as I read the problem. Too easy. "Eighteen thousand," I answered before returning to my notebook. I'm sure your wondering what name is on this book, probably my girlfriend, right? Well, you'd be wrong there. Completely.

The name on this lovely green notebook of mine isn't a girls, its a man and not just any man, my high school language teacher, Mr. Valeno. Thats right, I'm in love with my teacher. Wrong, right? But I can't help it.I fell in love the moment I saw him. Those ocean blue eyes and that wonderful brown hair. Oh, and that breathtaking smile. When I first saw that smile, my heart dropped into my stomach, I felt butterflies for the first time. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I'm in high school, I'm on the basketball team and my family are avid church goers, but I can't help it.

I looked up when the bell rang, I gathered my things and walked down the hallway towards my next class before lunch. Mr.Valeno's, I was almost there when I was stopped by a few of my 'friends' I guess you could call them "Chase, what are you doing this weekend?" my friend Justin asked. I mearly shrugged.

"Homework and the English paper I have to finish," I answered before looking at the time " I'll catch you guys later," I said before turning and taking a left down the hall to my class. I couldn't help but smile as I grew closer. I only loved coming to school for basketball and seeing this man.

I walked up and opened the door, walking inside and closing the door behind me. I tried to tame my huge smile but to no avail. When I laid my green eyes onto Mr. Valeno, the smile only got larger. He looked perfect today, but then again he always looks perfect. I grew jealous of his girlfriend -- if he had one. No one here knows if he even has one, we've never heard him mention one before. I walked over to my desk and sat down, setting my bag down beside me. I started fiddling with my shirt as I looked at my teacher ... my crush "Good afternoon, Mr. Valeno."