Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I closed the door of the bathroom quietly behind me, throwing my fresh clothes on the sink. I saw Chase standing under the flow of warm water, lost in his thoughts. His hair was a bit wet and clinging to the sides of his face and his neck. I was so tempted to let my eyes wander down and take in his full beauty, but resisted.

Removing my shirt, shorts, and boxers, I looked in the mirror, my eyes finding the scar on my chest. Long story short, my father wasn't all too keen about having a gay son, so he tried to stab me, missing my heart buy about four inches. I closed my eyes, not wanting to remember that horrible night.

I opened the shower curtain, getting a startled look from Chase. He eased up when he realized it was me, and smiled. He blushed a little as he looked away, which made his eyes stand out all the more. "Mind if I join you, love?" I asked a bit huskily.

Chase looked up at me and flashed me a huge grin, then nodded. "You really got to ask?" he replied, stepping back a bit to allow me to join him. I stepped in, closing the curtain. He must have noticed my scar, because he gasped and brought his hand to his mouth. "What ... who did that to you?" he asked, using his free hand to trace the scar lightly.

I looked down at where his hand touched my chest, fighting back tears of anger ... tears of pain. "My father. He couldn't accept the fact that I was gay ... so he resorted to violence. Luckily, he missed my heart by a mere few inches." He looked up at face, which caused me to bring my head back up. His eyes were filled with sympathy ... with love ... with hatred.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around his waist, resting my head on his. "He didn't have the right to do that to you."

"I tried to get away, but he was a quick man," I said, loving the fact that he didn't walk out in disgust like at the rest. I squeezed him tighter and kissed his head, not wanting to leave for any reason.

He pulled back and grabbed the shampoo from the stand. "Open your hand," he said, opening the bottle. I complied, and he squirted some in my hand. "Let's get this shower over with before we run out of hot water." I grinned at him, my blue eyes shining in complete happiness.

We got our hair washed and as he reached for the body wash, I pushed him to the shower wall, and pressed my lips hard to his. He broke free a moment later, looking up at me with love and appreciation. "You know bad and how long I've been wanting you do this with me?" he asked, his breathing heavy.

"I know I wanted to since the moment you walked through my door," I replied, grabbing his legs, which he wrapped around my waist almost instantly. He pulled my face to his again, smashing his lips to mine. "I love you," I mumbled through our kisses. It was then I realized how much I truly meant that, my heart was nearly exploding with so much emotion.

"You have no idea how much I love you," he replied, which caused him to freeze for a moment.

"What? Babe, what's wrong?" I said, looking at him. He looked at me, tears streaming down his face. A smile crossed his lips a few moments later, and he laughed a bit.

"I've never said that and actually meant it," he whispered, looking down at our conjoined bodies. "And I truly mean it when I say ... I am ready to do this." I felt a smile on my lips and kissed him tenderly.