Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I entered him slowly, trying my hardest not to hurt him. Chase gasped as I did, his eyes shutting tightly. "Do I need to stop?" I asked, fear rising in my heart. He took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes. When he did, his eyes were filled with so much love that I almost wanted to cry in happiness.

He took one last deep breath before he answered. "Don't stop. Dear god, whatever you do don't stop." He kissed me softly ... slowly ... tenderly. I closed my eyes as I continued pushing myself into him. Chase continued to take deep breaths as I did so, clinging to me for dear life, as if this was our last moment together. I promised to make this as memorable for him as possible, without too much pain.

When I was completely in, I kissed his shoulder, his collarbone, his neck, and finally his lips. "You okay?" I asked him, pressing my forehead against his. He nodded and sighed in contentment.

I started out slowly, letting him get used to the length and width of me. His moans nearly overpowered mine as things started to faster ... hotter ... deeper. Ah, fuck! So fucking wrong! This is wrong! But damn if it doesn't feel right .. so goddamn right! my mind screamed. I looked down at the beautiful face of the young man who stole my heart and seemed to be wearing it oh so proudly.

He started convulsing in sheer pleasure and brought my face closer to him as I started driving my shaft deeper ... harder ... inside of him, increasing his moans ... his screams ... to fill the air around.

It seemed to never end, and I was hurting around the base of my shaft with the need to release. It was becoming more and more dominant as the time went on. I didn't care how painful it became, I wanted this moment to last as long as possible. "Do it, Dean! Don't hold it any longer!" he moaned as he kissed my neck before biting it hard, drawing just a bit of blood. I screamed from the little bit of pain, but that bite shot shocks of electricity through me so much that I let loose ... and let loose hard.

I moaned and screamed his name, swearing that people in the East could hear me. It seemed to last for a long while before finally coming to a stop. Chase slowly eased his feet to the bottom of the tub, his hands resting on the back of my neck. He looked up at me, his eyes shining. I leaned forward, pressing my lips lightly against his. Not wanting to take things as far as they already went anymore tonight, I pulled away from the kiss, both of still breathing hard.

"Damn, that was better than I ever dreamed," Chase whispered, a smile forming on his lips. He glance up at me, love shining deep in his beautiful green eyes.

"I agree with you there, love," I replied, my voice deep with emotion. A look of confusion formed of Chase's face, as if he were trying to decipher what I meant. I looked at him and smiled, sighing in contentment. "Believe it or not, you were my first. In everything," I said, pressing my forehead against his again.

"Even ... with just what happened?" he asked, his voice cracking a bit. I nodded, opening my blue eyes to meet his.

"You became my first real love, and you just became me first lover," I replied, a tear escaping my eye. I smiled at him, my eyes showing my deep love for him. He smiled back, wiping his face from where the water had hit him.

"You have no idea how that makes me feel right now," Chase said, his smile never faltering. "You've made my first the most memorable thing ever." I smiled and kissed him deeply, forgetting about the world ... about everything. All I cared about was the fabulous male in front of me who gave me experiences beyond what anyone could imagine.

When the water started becoming a bit more chilly, I pulled away from him and turned the water off. "Come on, sweetheart," I said, stepping out of the shower and holding out my hand. "Let's get dried off and get to town and get something to eat. And tomorrow, I got something I really want to show you at the crack of dawn that will take your breath away more than me." Chase let out a laugh and grabbed a towel from the rack.

"How is that possible?" he asked, a smile still in his voice as I grabbed a towel as well and started drying my hair. I looked at him for a moment and grinned.

"Trust me, you'll see," I replied, throwing the towel in the laundry basket and grabbing my shirt.

Time Elapse

We were sitting at one of the outside tables of a local cafe, talking about all different types of things. When he was talking about some of the people he hung out with at school, he paused as a man with an acoustic guitar walked by.

"Excuse me, sir?" he said, flagging the guy down. He got his attention a few feet away, enough space between myself and them that I couldn't hear their words. Whatever it was, it had to be something to do with the guitar, because the guy handed it over to Chase. Walking over to an empty box near the entrance of the cafe, Chase stood up on it and brought the guitar to the front of him. "Okay, I wrote this song for a good friend of mine. A friend who's shown me that love can be found anywhere, just as long as you believe."