Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I saw Chase walk in in my peripheral vision and my heart fluttered a bit. I shook it off slightly as I continued writing today's assignments on the board. I turned my head when I heard Chase say, "Good afternoon, Mr. Valeno." I smiled faintly as I finished up on the board.

"Well, good afternoon, Mr. Greene. How was your day so far?" I replied, turning around and meeting his gaze. His features were just astounding. His green eyes mesmerizing to the fullness of his lips, his hair falling gracefully over his beautiful face. I gulped as I continued to stare, my mouth beginning to water at just the site of this boy just mere feet away from me.

"Slightly irritating, but alright I suppose," he responded. He gave a grin and my heart started beating faster than I could have ever imagined possible. I smiled back, watching him stiffen a bit. I let out a small laugh and looked down, letting out a slow sigh.

Looking back up, the rest of the class had stumbled in. I looked around, noticing a few students were absent. My smile became a frown and I shook my head, not showing up a week before exams. Throwing that aside for the time being, I straightened up a bit and walked around my desk. "Alright, class," I started, meeting all the gazes, landing lastly on Chase, who had his face buried in a notebook of sort. I smirked the slightest bit. "We'll be working on antonyms and synonyms today." The class groaned and I threw my hands up in surrender. "I know, I know. Boring and confusing shi-- stuff. But I have to do it."

The class opened their books as I rested on the edge of my desk, messing with the buttons on my shirt. I didn't want to look so distraught, but I couldn't help it. I mean, how can one boy make me feel so flustered, so turned on? It's wrong, it's messed up, but I couldn't help that he made me feel these feelings.

I glanced up and noticed everyone still working on their assignment, all but one, who was standing in front of me with his paper in hand. "It was easy. Need to challenge us more, Valeno," Chase said, giving me a warm smile.

Smiling back, I took his paper and set it on my desk. "I do challenge you guys. You're just the one who needs more of a challenge, it seems," I replied, urging to just move that piece of hair back into place by his eye. As if reading my thoughts, he fixed it and then walked back over to his desk, resuming whatever he was doing in his notebook.

--30 Minutes Later--

I had them working in groups on another assignment, grading their antonym/synonym assignment. Some of them did good, some horrible. I mentally shook my head as I finished up the last paper. I crossed my legs and leaned back in my desk, folding my hands behind my head.

I noticed a few of the girls looking at me and giggling. I smiled at them and then looked away, just before their giggles became a bit more persistent. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes and sat forward, my neck feeling rather stiff.

"Alright, guys," I said, looking up at the class who had quieted down and looking at me. "I'll give you the rest of the class time free. Some of you aren't really paying attention to your assignment." The class cheered and I let out a small groan, not knowing why I decided to do this today. Maybe because it was Friday, and I felt like I needed a break from this place.

I heard someone playing guitar and looked up, noticing it was Chase, his face calm and serene as he played the chords perfectly. I leaned forward, watching him play like the rest of the class. My heart nearly burst in emotion as he started to sing some song I've never heard. I smiled, his voice taking out all other noise around the room.

"Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you're mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time

I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?

Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time

I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?

As he continued, I found my eyes closing and my feet moving along with the music. Before I knew it, he was done and I opened my eyes. I looked at him and noticing him look right at me. His eyes seemed to be screaming something I couldn't quite decipher from here. I smiled at him, my eyes screaming a feeling I wasn't too used to. A feeling of love and attraction.

I looked away and glanced down, my face getting a bit warm. As I closed my eyes, it was then I noticed the raging hard-on between my legs. Great, I thought, laying my head down on my desk. Not only was I highly attracted to a boy years younger than me, he had something about him that made really turned me on in ways he shouldn't be able to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Neither Raven or myself own the lyrics used.
They belong to The Used.