Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

If the people here weren't iffy about homosexuals, I would have scooped Chase up right then and there and kissed him. I just grabbed his hand and kissed it, watching him fret as I mulled over his question. The song was amazing, real and utter talent from his heart ... his soul. "I loved it, baby," I whispered back, which caused him to meet my gaze and smile. I winked at him as I left a tip for the waitress and stood up. "Come on. There's a place I think you'd like," I said, motioning towards the woods.

"It's doesn't have anything to do with the surprise tomorrow does it?" he asked, standing up and making his way over to me. I dropped my arm over his shoulder and looked forward at the woods that was about a quarter mile away.

"Very little," I said, pulling him to walk as I started to head for the entrance to my other sanctuary. Chase was looking around the small town in awe, as if he were at Disney World or something. It wasn't a spectacular town, but it was a peaceful place. Everyone knew everyone, people always helped each other when needed. It was where I saw myself ending up with my other half ... which deep down I hoped was the guy standing right next to me.

I was contemplating the question of his to move in with me as he looked at all the shops and small houses we passed them. As if reading my mind, he looked up at me and asked, "Have you figured out an answer to my question?" I looked down into his deep green gaze, taking in his curiosity ... his hope that if I did, I would say he could. I looked away, sighing as we neared the woods. "If you still need time, don't worry --"

I cut him off, placing my hand on his mouth. "I'll give you my answer when we get to where I am taking you. Deal?" I said, removing my hand. Chase nodded and moved himself closer to me. I kissed his head as we stepped on the damp earth, leaves and twigs crunching under our shoes.

I heard Chase inhale deeply, sighing happily. "I always loved the smell of nature. It's always so ... calming," he said, just barely over a whisper. I smiled as I glanced down at him for a moment.

"Yeah. When my parents brought me here, I always loved coming out to the woods. I was always one to see animals in their natural habitats," I said, looking around, watching a few rabbits and squirrels scurry off behind bushes and up trees. I heard the hoot of an owl, and looked up, seeing its gaze on us. "Look up there," I said, pointing out the owl. Chase gasped as when he spotted it. "It's the Great Gray Owl, also known as Phantom of the North and Spectral Owl."

"He's beautiful," Chase whispered, stopping to continue to gaze upon him.

"I wonder..." I muttered, whistling a little tune in the owl's direction. Chase looked at me like he wanted to hurt me when the owl leaped up in the air from the sound. As I continued to follow the path in which the male bird had taken, a grin spread across my face. "It's him. It's Specs," I said, holding out my arm.

Not a moment later, the owl landed on my arm, spreading his wings a bit and stared at Chase. "What... how.... when..." Chase started, completely at a loss for words at what he just witnessed.

"I found him last year, he wasn't much smaller than this. His wing was broken and I nursed him back to full health," I said, petting Specs wing. "And I trained him to come to me with a certain whistle, as you heard." Chase looked so desperate to pet him.

"May I please pet him?" he begged, looking at me with those pleading eyes. I nodded, but stopped him when he started walking toward the owl with quick steps.

"Slowly. He gets rather angry when someone he doesn't know gets feisty," I said, causing him to nod. He reached his hand out toward him, slowly. When his hand touched the wing, Specs wing spread out to just half it's wingspan. "He likes you," I said, beaming down at Chase who was utterly amazed to be touching such a beautiful animals.

After a moment or so, Chase pulled back, making sure not to scare the owl. "Why didn't you take him home? Or even to the lodge?" he asked, looking up at me. I looked at Specs before looking at Chase.

"I can't stand seeing an animal like this caged or held," I said earnestly. "He belongs here, out in the wild, with the rest of his kind. How would you feel ... if you were in his place ... to be caged and confined to a cage? Not being able to spread your wings ... not be able to fly ... to soar the open sky."

Chase's face spoke his answer. He wouldn't like it one bit. I nodded, motioning slowly with my head that we should continue on to where we were going. "How are you going to feel once he's ... you know ... not around anymore?" Chase asked after a few minutes of walking.

I looked around the canopy of trees for a moment, looking at the variety of other birds and animals that lived out here. When I answered, my voice was calm. "I'll be upset, but I'll also be happy. Happy because he passed in his home ... where his family ... his friends ... are at. Upset because he's a good friend to me, always there." Chase nodded and looked down, understanding what I was saying.

After about another five minutes, we came to a clearing. "Whoa," Chase muttered as he took in the surroundings. He cocked his head to the left, as if listening for something. "Is there water near by?" he asked, looking at me.

"Yeah," I said, moving my arm to let Specs go do whatever he does best. He took off with such grace that it left me speechless for a moment. I looked down at Chase and said, "That's the surprise for tomorrow. Now, come on. Let's find a spot and just relax. Let's get lost in our own little world out here." And with that, I kissed him quick, and pulled him towards a fallen oak.
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Great Grey Owl; Image