Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I followed Dean to the fallen oak and sat down, gazing out into the open, sighing happily as I leaned against Dean, lacing our fingers together. I was loving this place so much, it was so peaceful and quaint. Dean and I could be ourselves out here. We werent student and teacher, we were a couple ... lovers so deeply in love with each other.

I wanted to move out here, be here if Dean. I didnt want anyone else in my life ... just me and him. I lifted my gaze from the forest to Dean, reaching up and caressing his cheek lightly, my mind racing as I went to speak. "I love you, Dean," I whispered softly.

I watched a smile spread across Dean's face as he leaned down and gently pushed his lips against mine, earning a sigh of contentment from me as I kissed back.

"I love you too, Chase" he said as he kissed before pulling away, a thoughtful look upon his face, very much like the one I see in class.

I laid my head against his chest,listening to his heart beat as my thoughts floated back to when I first met Dean.

~Flash back four months~

I hated language, I honestly truly did. I saw no reason and teaching us this stuff but I cant complain, I had to take the class to stay on the basketball team so I took it, not wanting to get kicked off the court for this. I slung my bag over my shoulder and wondered the halls until I found the right classroom.

I frowned when I looked through the window and saw an old, angry looking teacher.
Great! I have to deal with her half the day, I thought sourly. That is until she moved and walked out, my eyes catching the sight of a man -- long brown hair and his eyes. Oh god those beautiful blue eyes. I felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest as I stood there, unknown to him, gapping in silence. This man was the picture of perfection.

I finally came back down to earth when a teacher walked by and told me to go inside the room. I weakly nodded my head and tried to make myself look normal as I walked into class. The teacher looking at me, his eyes went from a bored expression to one of ... well I cant really tell. I gluped and looked at him "I-Im Chase Greene. I'm new to your class," I said.

The teacher nodded, his eyes still holding a confused expression as he took my paper and told me where to sit. I quickly walked to my desk and sat down, fiddling with my shirt as I listened to what he had to say. I refused to look at him but I swear, I could feel those eyes on me. If only I knew what he was thinking.

~End of Flash back~

"Baby? Chase, what are you thinking about?" Dean asked, shaking me from my thoughts. I merely smiled at him and snuggled closer, kissing him lightly.

"Just us love," I said,smiling.