Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

As we sat there, I took in all the surroundings I haven't seen in months. The centuries old trees, the clear sky -- which was darkening by the minute. I looked around some more, taking in the bases of the trees, some of which were covered a little in moss. Looking at the open field, I watched the knee-length light grass sway in the light wind. The sounds of running water, animals scurrying off to their homes for the on coming night filling my ears.

I could definitely see myself moving here .. with Chase by my side the entire time. I nudged him, causing him to look at me. "You ready for my answer?" I asked, looking down at him and smiling, my eyes showing nothing but contentment and love.

"Yeah. More than ready, actually," he whispered, resting his head on my shoulder. I laid my head upon his and bit my lip.

"How would you like to live here ... in this small, pleasant town ... with me?" I asked, wrapping my arm around his waist, pulling him as close as I could. He squealed in delight, arranging himself to be able to wrap his arms around my neck, pushing us both to the ground on the other side of the oak stump.

"You serious?" he asked, looking down at me with sheer happiness. I smiled at him and nodded.

"I believe you'd be better off living somewhere with someone who won't judge you. Somewhere where you can just ... be you," I said, lifting my hand and stroking his face. "Let's go back to the lodge. There are some movies there I am pretty sure you haven't seen yet."

Chase smiled, kissed me deeply for a moment, and the pushed himself up, holding out his hands to help me up. I grabbed them, stood up, and brushed off what I could see. "Turn around, love," he said, a smile in his tone. I obliged, and quickly felt his hands brushing the dirt and whatever else off my back.

After he stopped, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, resting his head on my back. "Thanks, Dean. For everything." I smiled, rubbing his arms.

"Let's go," I said, feeling rather than hearing my stomach rumbling. We both laughed and he let go. I grabbed his hand and headed out of the woods, thinking I couldn't be any happier than I was now.

Half an hour later

We were back at the lodge, snuggled up next to each other, watching Happy Feet. Of course, he hadn't seen it yet, though he's been wanting to for a while now. Chase had his head resting on my chest, his eyes completely locked on the TV.

As the movie went on, my mind wandered. I thought about how it would be like to be around Chase 24/7, being close to him as we slept, waking up to see his beautiful face. Constantly being able to kiss those precious lips. Being able to talk to him about anything ... everything ... and not having him judge me.

I wrapped my arm around him more tightly, my thoughts coming back to the here and now. He looked up at me and smiled, raising his head a bit to kiss me. I kissed him back tenderly, enjoying the moment.

Pulling away, he faced forward, watching the movie again. Not a moment later, a phone started going off. I paused the movie as he reached for his phone, looking at it and glaring. "Who is it?" I asked, looking at him.

"My mom," he muttered, getting up and walking towards the back porch. "I'll be right back."
♠ ♠ ♠
short, yes.
my mind is all blah right now >.<