Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

"Hello?" I answered as I stepped out onto the back porch, trying to keep from yelling at my mother. I didn't want to talk to her ... or anyone else other then Dean for that matter. I wish she knew how to leave me along! I thought harshly.

"How is everything going? Are you keeping up with your studies? Hows the kids there?" my mother asked quickly. She sounded excited, if only she knew what I was really doing out here. I remained quiet for a moment before answering her, keeping as calm as possible.

"Great actually. This place is amazing, everyone is fantastic," I lied, knowing full well that she'd believe what I was saying.

"Thats great! Oh, I'm so happy you found some church friends!" she said happily. I scowled at this. I hated not being able to be me around my own parents. I wish they would just accept me for who I am instead of trying to make me change.

"Same here, Mom. They're really great," I said before staring out into the distance. I couldn't wait to be here, just me and Dean, no worries ... just us.

"Chase? Chase, are you there?" I heard my mom call over the phone. I shook my head before answering her.

"I'm here. I have to go, Mom. I'll talk to you later," I said before hanging up and wandering back inside, closing the door behind me. I walked back over to Dean and sat back down beside him, snuggling against him again.

I smiled happily as Dean started playing the movie, the recent conversation with my mother out of my head. I focused only on the man in beside me and the movie playing in front of me.

~Fourty-five minutes later~

I frowned as the movie came to an end, but sat up and streached out before leaning back against Dean. I looked at him and smiled "What did your mother want?" he asked, moving some hair from my face.

"Wanted to see how everything was going. She believed that lie very well actually." I laughed softly, leaning into his hand "I cant wait till it's just the two of us, Dean. I'm gonna hate having to act like a student again when we return," I mumbled.

Dean sighed softly and held me close. "I know. I wont like this either but it wont be for long," he said, kissing me softly. I smiled and returned the kiss before pulling away and gazing at him lovingly

"What will I tell my parents...?" I asked