Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

We sat there for what seemed like half of eternity before a light went on in my head. I looked up at Chase, a wry smile coming across my face. He glanced up and raised an eyebrow, a smile forming on his face. "You have something, don't you?" he asked, not taking his gaze away from me.

"You can bet your ass I do," I replied, standing up and turning around to face him. I sat on the coffee table, grasping his knees as I stared at him. "Can you trust any of your friends?" I asked, biting my lip a little bit.

"Michael," he said, not breaking eye contact. "As annoying as he can be sometimes, I trust him completely. Why?" I thought through the words one last time before finally speaking.

"Because," I started, "I was thinking you could write a note or something sometime later this week to them. Say you decided to move in with him ... for ... well, whatever reasons you want to give them. That way, I can get anything I might need to take with me packed up and ready to go. Not to mention, give you enough time to write the letter out and make sure it's what you want, and get all your prize possessions packed up." I grinned at him as he let the words sink in for a moment.

He looked up at me and his face beamed. "We're really going to do it? I'm seriously going to be out of that hellhole?" he asked, an ear-to-ear grin spreading across his face.

"If you're up for it," I said, lightly slapping his thigh. He leaned forward and kissed me hungrily, forcing my mouth open and wrapping his arms around my neck. He pulled me back toward the couch and laid back, making me lay on top of him.

After a few minutes of a touchy-feely make-out session, he pulled away, his eyes looking up at me. "I'm totally up for it, Dean. More than anything," he said, his hands rubbing the back of my neck. I nodded and kissed him tenderly for a moment before pulling away and standing up. "It's getting late. We should catch a few Z's, that way neither of us is exhausted when we head out tomorrow."

Chase nodded, standing up and walking toward me. He clung onto my arm and we walked back to one of the bedrooms where the king-sized bed was. I walked in first, Chase clinging to the back of my shirt for dear life. "What are you doing?" he asked, obviously not being able to see more than a foot in front of him. I merely smiled before turning on the light, which flooded the room instantly.

Turning around, I smiled at him. "Time for bed, love," I whispered, removing my shirt and pants, leaving my boxers on. I looked at Chase, and his eyes were taking me in, a small sigh coming out from his partially opened lips. "What's up, Chase?" I asked, running my thumb over his brow.

"You're just ... absolutely stunning," he whispered, his hands rubbing over my arms, chest, and waist. "I've never seen anything more ... scrumptious," he said, blushing like mad in the ill-lit room. I smiled, pulling him toward me.

"You'll think what I am going to show you tomorrow is more stunning than me," I said, kissing the top of his head. "You can count on that." He laughed a little, placing a kiss upon the scar on my chest.

"I highly doubt that, Dean," he said, looking up at me. I pulled away and walked over to the bed, pulling the covers back and crawling in. When I was comfortable, I looked over at my beloved, his shirt already off, and watched him work his pants. Once he got them down, it was real hard not to notice the growing tent in his briefs. He gave a weak smile before saying, "You see what you've been doing to me for the last four months?"

I raised a brow, giving him a small smile. "If I've been doing that to you, then it would seem only fair that I take care of it, no?" I asked, motioning him to come relax next to me. "A little fun won't hurt before bed, would it?"

"I don't believe it would hurt at all," he replied, smashing his lips against mine.

Pulling away, I hovered above him, my hair falling in front of my face. "I believe I am going to go down south a bit, take care of it that way." At the sound of his gasp when I palmed his crotch, I went down.
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