Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I stood in the shower, letting the water loosen up any tightness in my back. Lord knows I was tensing up real good last night. I smirked at the memory, flashes of it popping up in my mind. Sighing, I started to wash my hair and other essential areas, not wanting to run out of hot water too quickly.

After about fifteen minutes, I stepped out, grabbing a towel as I walked over to the sink. I brushed my hair, not bothering to dry it. My hair always seemed to look better when I let it dry naturally.

I got dressed quickly, walking out as I pulled my gray shirt on, buttoning it up. "Chase, you ready?" I asked, looking up to notice he wasn't even in the room. I walked out the door and noticed him sitting on the steps, watching Specs as he swooped in and out. Apparently the owl was on to something and he wasn't going to stop until he got it. "Graceful, isn't he?" I whispered, causing Chase to look up at me and smile.

"Yeah," he replied, facing forward again. I heard a noise out here and came outside to see what it was. It was him, chasing after something. So I decided to watch him while he's on the hunt. Fascinating stuff, I'm telling you."

"It's very fascinating, indeed," I said, standing next to him. We stayed like that for a little while longer, watching Specs do his thing. I checked the time and it was about forty-five minutes till sunrise. "As much as I would love to sit here and watch him, we better get going. We don't have a lot of time before the sunrise hits."

Nodding, Chase stood up and interlocked his hand with mine. Walking down the steps and heading toward town, we didn't say a word, just welcomed the silence and each other's company. It was a calm, crisp morning -- no wind, just peace and quiet. The stars were still out and everything seemed to be a bit eerie, but it was beautiful at the same time.

After about fifteen minutes of silence, Chase's phone went off. I looked down at him and he was glaring at the little lit screen. "Damn it," he muttered. "It's my mom again." I let out a small sigh, looking forward as he answered the call. "Yes, mother?" he said, not hiding the anger that I could sense was building beneath his surface. "What? I can't hear ... Mom, you're breaking up." After a sigh, he hung up the phone, shut it off, and stuck it back into his pocket.

"What was that all about?" I asked after a moment's silence. He didn't answer at first, thinking about how he could phrase it.

"She was asking all these questions about "camp" and shit," he said, seeming a bit irritated. "Seeing how I can't stand the woman, you heard and saw what I did." I nodded, unlocking our hands and wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Don't let her bring you down, love," I whispered as we came into view of the town. "Don't ever let anyone bring you down for any reason, okay?" He nodded, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"You always seem to make me feel better," he said, smiling. I smiled, knowing that, somehow, I was making him happy. I looked up the sky, noticing that it was getting lighter.

"Run!" I screamed, laughing. "We're going to miss it if we don't hurry!" I grabbed his hand, pulling him through alleyway after alleyway, and eventually through the woods.

I heard the water coming up ahead through our heavy panting, but the sun was rising rather quickly. "Shit! Dean! Keep up!" I heard Chase scream before seeing him take off ahead of me in a fit of laughter. I followed him, surprised he knew where he was going through all these trees.

We got to the creek and he paused, still in his fit of laughter. "Come on, we have to walk a bit further for the real beauty," I said, pulling him along the bank. We got to the little pond at the end just moments before the sun rose above the horizon. I heard Chase gasp, and looked to see where he was looking. He was looking up at the trees and the little waterfall. "Chase, look at the water."