Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I couldnt believe what I was seeing, everything was so brightly colored and beautiful -- the water reflecting the sun as it rose, a rainbow appearing where the waterfall began. I felt tears begin to fill my eyes as I turned and looked at Dean.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked softly. I didnt answer, I couldnt speak. I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, gazing into those blue eyes, my own filled with love.

"I wish I could show you ... how much I love you," I whispered, caressing his cheek softly. What Dean and I have isn't lust, this is real honest to god love and I never wanted it to end -- I wouldnt know what to do.

Dean smiled and leaned down, kissing me gently before pulling away, pushing some hair out of my face. "I love you, too, Chase ... so much," he said softly.

A bright warm smile crossed my face before I spun around and sat down, gazing out into the water, admiring its beauty -- how it almost compared to the beauty of Dean ... of my lover.

I watched Dean sit down beside me. I leaned over and rested my head against him, sighing softly. As we sat there together, enjoying the silence, something hit me, causing me to look up at Dean

"We have to go back today, " I said softly, sadness filling my eyes. I didnt want to leave ... I didnt want to return to that place again.

"I know, but we'll be done with everything there soon enough, love," he said, stroking my hair gently as I laid against him. I nodded my head, relaxing against him happily. I looked down at the water, jut now noticing the movement beneath it. I smiled warmly as I watched all the koi fish swimming around. They were absolutely stunning, making everything here that much more astounding. "Look over there," Dean whispered, pointing to the other side of the pond.

I glanced up and saw two turtles heading for the water. Once they hit, they swam underneath, grabbing whatever it is they eat. I watched as one climbed out onto a rock not far from where Dean and I sat. I watched with such awe that I didn't realize I was about to fall into the water. I felt myself being jerked back, and I looked up at Dean. "You best be careful. Don't want to have you soaking wet on the way back to the lodge." Dean smiled and I smiled a bit shyly in return.

I continued to watch the animals around us go on with they're lives, seeming content to be here. I looked up at Dean, who was still watching the fish and turtles with a intensity. "Why did you allow me to come see this?" I asked, curious to know.

"I see this pond and the surroundings as a place of peace ... serenity," he said, not taking his gaze away from the water. "I wanted you to see this because ... I wanted you to know that you bring me peace when everything else fails." He finally glanced down at me, giving me a warm smile. I leaned up and kissed him, wanting so bad to just remain in this moment forever.

When we pulled apart, he whispered something I didn't understand, but for some reason it made me really warm and fuzzy inside.

"Tu me fais sentir en vie et je t'aimerai, jusqu'à la fin des temps."
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the phrase at the end (in case some of you don't know French all too well) is: You make me feel alive and I love you, until the end of time