Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I woke up with a start, my face drenched with sweat. I looked around my darkened room, trying to figure out what woke me up. It was then I realized my phone was ringing on my nightstand. Laughing at my slight paranoia, I reached over and picked my phone off the stand and unhooked the charger.

Looking at the caller ID, I felt a smile spread across my lips. Flipping the phone open, I answered huskily, "Hey, you."

"Hey, love. Good morning," Chase replied, sounding like he just woke up as well. He sounded adorable.

"Morning. How you feeling this morning?" I asked, pulling the covers off me and swinging my legs off the bed. I stood up and turned the light on, closing my eyes from the brightness of the light.

"I'm great. I feel so refreshed after the great weekend," he said, a yawn escaping from his mouth. I smiled, wishing I could have woken up to that face, but I knew I would be in just a few days.

"Did you get bombarded by your parents when you got home?" I asked, walking out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen. When I got there, I turned on the coffee pot and leaned against the counter.

"No, they were asleep when I walked in -- which was a good thing. I was so happy, I don't think the truth of what really went on this weekend would have kept a closed lid if they were up to ask me how everything went." he replied, doing something on his end. I grabbed a cup from the strainer when the coffee pot beeped.

"True," I said, grabbing the pot and pouring some much needed caffeine in the cup, taking in the aroma of my favorite brand of coffee. "Hey, do you walk to school? Or do you have a ride?" I had a sense he was smiling from those questions.

"My mom normally takes me since it's on her way to work, but I can tell her I want to walk today," he said, obviously telling me he wants to ride with me. I bit my lip as I smiled, then took a long swig of my addiction.

"Meet me at the corner?" I asked, walking over to the window and looking out. I had the sense that he was smiling and couldn't help but smile as well. God, how this boy made my heart melt.

"Don't have to ask me twice," he said, making noise that sounded as if he were stretching. "Shit. I'll see you in a bit, love. My mom's coming and I don't want her to get all in my face about who I'm talking to."

"Alright. Plus, I'm the only one who is allowed to get all in your face," I replied, causing him to laugh. "I'll see you in a few, Chase. I love you."

"Love you, too, Dean," he replied, hanging up the phone shortly after. Closing my phone, I continued to stare out the window, all my thoughts surrounding by the boy who stole my heart. Taking another drink of my coffee, I walked back to my room and turned on the shower.

In just a little while, I'll be with the one person who made me feel like I was truly loved. The one person who I'd give up anything and everything for ... even my life.