Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I watched Dean leave then spun around and jogged over to the boys locker room to take a quick shower and change back,not wanting to smell bad the rest of the day,I didnt want Dean to deal with that.

As I stripped down,I heard the door open and someone walk inside the room "Chase! You in here?" I heard my friend justin call,I sighed deeply and stepped out of my shower,wrapping the towel around my waist as I walked out

"Yea? What's up man?" I asked,leaning against the wall,crossing my arms,Justin turned around and gazed at me for a moment,i snapped my fingers and pointed to my face,earning a blush from him

"Oh,Nothing I was wondering if Coach told you about the game move?" he asked,keeping his eyes clued to my face,I nodded my head as I stared at him,waiting for him to finish "Thats all man,Ill catch you later" he said before leaving.

I grumbled and restarted my shower,lettig the hot water ease my muscles..Damm Dean can be rough..but god if is doesnt feel wonderful..I thought with a smile as I washed my body,I washed my hair quickly,makig sure I smelled good before getting out.

Time skip

I walked the hallway to my second period class,which was math,I still hadnt seen Michael yet,which was odd since his locker is right next to mine.

I scoured the halls but no sign of the carmel haired boy anywhere,I grumbled and walked into my math class and sat down,staring at the work Mrs.Smith gave me,god damm,I wish she'd give me something more challanging,I thought as I quickly finished the work.

I leaned back and started playing my ipod,blasting my music,thats when I got an idea,I can go to Dean's class early! I shot my hand up and talked to the teacher,she gave me a weird look at first

"Why fo you want to go now? I thought you hated lanugage?" she asked,rising an eyebrow,I huffed and crossed my arms

"I do but that doesnt mean I should slack off in there,I have to pass that class to play basketball" I said "So can I go or not?" I asked again

"Fine,But dont cause any problems" she said,writting me a pass,I took it after gathering my green notebook and bag and walked off to Dean's class,smiling happily. I quietly opened the door and walked in,trying not to bother the class he was teaching.

I walked over the empty chair beside his desk and sat down,smiling as I listened to his voice.