Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Michael -Point of View-

I sat in my French class, barely listening to the teacher explain about how important pronunciation was so you don't say the wrong thing. I looked back down at the folded piece of paper that Chase had given me just last block. He hadn't told me the extent of where he was going, just that he was going up north to stay with his grandparents until his birthday, then find his own place once he turns eighteen.

I had to keep all the a secret from his parents, whom he was going to tell that he was staying at my place for a while ... give himself time to think to himself or whatever. I can't believe he's using me like this. We've been friends for years -- since 5th grade -- and I always made sure that were in walking distance of each other's houses, just in case he moved.

I looked out the window, not being able to concentrate on anything but Chase. Fuck, he was such a gorgeous guy. Yeah, you heard right, I was in love with my best friend. I realized it in 9th grade, when he beat up an upperclassmen who was causing me trouble. It was when I looked at how pissed he was when the dude tried laying a hand on me that made it clear that this boy had stole me heart. He didn't know I liked him, not at all. I couldn't tell him, I didn't want to face the rejection.

Chase always claimed that we'd be friends until death, that he'd always have my back and be there whenever I needed him. I'd always wanted to be more than friends, show the world that he was the best person in the world.

When he told me his real incentive -- that he was actually planning to move in with a guy up north -- my jealously spiked. I'm sure he saw it. But if his parents decided to call to see if he was really there, I have to say that he decided to live with his grandparents up north. I let him know I'd do it, but I just wish he would consider moving in with me. Not because of my love for him, but because my parents wouldn't mind it, and his parents loved me, so they wouldn't argue with it.

Him moving in with some dude he barely knew, that was just fucked up. Chase deserves having someone by his side who knows practically everything about him. I've seen him cry, I've helped with the pain -- the anger -- that his parents caused him, I'd always lent him a shoulder when he needed it. I never turned my back on him for any reason. Not even when he deserved it. Why you might ask? Because what kind of friend would I be if I didn't accept his flaws? Not a very good one, let me tell you.

I sat there, finally listening to what the teacher had to say, hopeful that I might actually get a clue of what we were doing today. As I listened, my mind wandered to the boy's face that I dream about every night.

Time Elapse

The bell rang and I headed for my locker, hoping that Chase would be there. I've decided he had the right to know how I truly feel about him. I shouldn't have kept it a secret for so long. He was at his locker, a determined look on his face. Not a lot of kids were around seeing how most of them had somewhere to be immediately after school. "Hey, Chase," I said, putting the combination in and opening my locker.

"Hey, Mike. What's shakin'?" he asked, looking at me and grinning. I stiffened a bit, but not noticeably. He always did that when he smiled at me. Always.

"Not a thing, but I got to tell you something," I said, doing my best not to back out now. He closed his locker. I did the same and closed my eyes, taking a breath before saying anything. Then it came to me -- why say it when you can show it? I opened my eyes and looked at him for a moment.

Finally getting the courage, I grabbed his shirt and pressed his lips to mine, causing him to gasp. God his lips were soft, I thought as I pulled away. I looked down and backed away a little bit. "Michael -- what?" he said, causing me to look up at him. His eyes weren't on me, but on something -- or someone -- behind me.

The look was one of fear -- of sadness. Great, not only could I have I just ruined our friendship of six years, but I also just caused him some sort of pain. I put my bag on my shoulder and walked away, not too sure what to do about what just happened.

Time Elapse

I hit the edge of the school's property and finally opened the cages to my soul, letting the water works flow. I wasn't upset of what I just did, but I was upset about what this might do. I looked up at the sky, watching as dark clouds covered the sky. It was going to rain, which I suppose was good because then no one would be able to tell easily that I was crying.

I loved Chase, and I just proved it to him. As I thought about Chase, all the came up was the look on his face before I walked away. And to think, it was all my fault ...