Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I stared up at Dean,grasping his arm as tightly as possible as he struggled to pull me up,I managed to grab the window and pull myself upanx through the window,falling to the floor beside Dean,breaking out into sobs as I laid there.

I felt Dean wrap his arms around me and hold me tightly as he tried to calm me down,I gripped his shirt and sobbed into it,not only had my best friend kissed me,I almost lost my true love and my life..this was to much.

"Chase..Chase baby calm down" I heard him whispered softly,I could feel his hands rubbing my back and hair gently.

I pulled away and looked at him,tears streaming down my face "Please..please dont leave me..I cant lose you.." I begged,my voice small,my body shaking as i contiuned to grip his shirt.

Dean gazed at me then reached to my cheek and caressed it softly "You wont,Im sorry Chase..please..forgive me.." He whispered,rubbing his thumb along my lips gently.

I leaned into his touch,closing my eyes as my body calmed,relaxing into him "I love you much.." I whispered softly as I leaned my forehead against his chest.

"I love you too Chase.." he said softly,resting his head on top of mine before he pulled away and helped me stand up,he walked over and closed the window,locking it before turning to me "Ill take you home love"

I grabbed my bag and held it close,I knew things would never be the same between us,that trust wouldnt be as strong..I needed to fix that..

I looked at Dean for a minute while I thought this through before speaking

"Im going to tell my parents..about me being gay.."