Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

We ran through the rain as fast as possible, not wanting to get drenched. By the time we were to the car, I watched as Chase started going to the passenger's side door. A smile playing on my lips, I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward me, wrapping my arms around his waist. "One thing before we head out," I said, pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pressing his body as close as he could, a smile spreading across his lips.

We pulled away, and his eyes weren't as sad anymore -- they looked a bit scared from what he had told me just minutes before. "I love you, Dean." I smiled down at him, holding him in a tight embrace as the rain fell on us.

"I love you, too, Chase," I whispered, kissing his head. "Let's get in the car. I'll take you home," I said, letting him go. We got in and I started up the car, turning the heater on full blast. I looked over at him, noticing him looking through his bag.

"FUCK!" he yelled, freaking out as he looked at me. "My notebook ... it's gone. My heart and soul was poured into that notebook!" I looked back at the school and then back to his face.

"What color is it?" I asked, opening my door and getting out. He got out as well and started running for the school. I sighed, locking my car doors and running after him. "Chase! Hold up!" He kept running. He went through the gym and up the stairs, turning a hard right.

As hard as it was too keep close behind him, I managed to get to him. He was looking around frantically, fear rising in his face. "No no no no no!" he said, rising an octave higher with each no.

It was then it clicked. I found a green notebook with my name on the cover, having a feeling it was his, I had folded it as best I could and sticking it in my back pocket. Reaching back behind me, I felt it sticking out. "I just realized I might have found it," I said, pulling it out and handing it to him. "Is this it?"

Relief poured over his features instantly as he grabbed the notebook and hugged it close to him. "When did you find it?" he asked, looking up at me, slightly embarrassed.

"When I was wandering the halls," I told him truthfully. "When I found it, I thought there was a chance it might be yours, so I picked it up. I forgot about it until now." He launched himself at me, causing me to rock back a little. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

"Thank you so much," he whispered, pulling away just enough to look up at me.

"Not a problem, baby," I said, kissing him lightly. Grabbing my hand, Chase and I walked back the stairs and headed for the car for the second time. "You didn't leave anything else behind now did you?" I asked, smirking at him.

"Nope. Just this," he said, raising his notebook. I smiled and squeezed his hand, wondering how the hell I could ever get mad and upset at him.

Time Elapse

I pulled up to his house this time, making sure he could get inside his house quickly. "Thanks, Dean," he said as he smiled at me and grabbed his things. His mom came rushing out with Michael at her side and stopped at the top of the steps. "Damn, no goodbye kiss now," he said, pouting a bit.

I then got an idea, but couldn't pull through with it because his mom came to my side of the car and rapped on my window. I rolled it down and looked up at her. "Evening, Mrs. Greene," I said, smiling a little.

"I want to thank you for bringing my son home," she said, trying not to lose her umbrella in the raging wind.

"It's no problem. I thought it'd be best to bring him home after his practice," I said, wanting so bad to just grab his hand and squeeze it. She nodded and walked over to his side as he opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow in class, Chase. Alright?" I said, smiling at him.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Valeno," he replied, smiling back at me, giving me a quick wink. Closing the door, he and his mom made their way up the stairs and into the house, Michael right on their heels.

I pulled out of the driveway and headed for my house, wishing ... hoping ... that things won't blow out of proportion when Chase told his parents that he was gay. I just hoped they wouldn't automatically assume that I was his boyfriend.

As I drove on, my senses were telling me that something was wrong. I just hope to god that it didn't have anything to deal with Chase. Please don't let it have anything to deal with him.