Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I stood in the kitchen with my parents,fiddling with my shirt as I figured out how to say this the best I could,Michael had gone already..thankfully,I couldnt stand seeing him right now..not after what he did.

"Whatis you want to tell us son?" my father asked as he leaned against the frig,my mother beside him. I took a deep breath and gazed at them for a moment before looking down at the ground.

" gay.." I said softly,the house went slient,I heard my mother suddenly break down and run from the kitchen and upstairs to the bedroom,the door slamming.

I instantly realized I was alone..with my father and I regret making Michael leave.."Your what!?" my father bellowed suddenly,taking a step towards me causing me to back up

I lifted my gaze and looked at him,his own green eyes livid and filled with anger of his own "I-Im gay.." I muttered,adverting my gaze.

Before I knew it,my father had pulled back his hand and sent it flying at me,punching me square in the jaw and knocking me to the ground "It was that damm Fred!! He did this to you!!" he screamed angerily as he punched me again.

"Dad! Dad stop! Please!" I begged,throwing my hands up into the air to try and blick his punchs,tears streaming down my face.

"You sinner! Your no son of mine!!" he screamed as he started kicking me in my stomach and chest, he grabbed my hair and drug me outside and threw me onto the lawn,slamming the door. I laid there on the ground,tears streaming down my face,everything was sore.

I weakly pulled out my phone as everything started to spin and feel funny,i pulled up my contacts and called Dean "Hello baby" he answered

"H-Help..please help me.." I whispered into the phone before everything went black.