Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

Everything was black,I could hear Dean calling my name but I couldnt answer..what was happening to me..? Why couldnt I answer my boyfriend? I could feel myself start to panic.

"Chase! Chase!! Baby! Dammit wake up!!" I heard Dean holler at me,I could hear his voice breaking but I still couldnt answer him.

"Sir! Sir we need you to move!" I heard another male say,i saw shadows moving above me.

"No! Wake him up dammit!!" I heard Dean exclaimed,I felt my body move and pain shoot through me.

Stop..please just stop! I thought but I knew it was worthless,they couldnt hear me.

Thats when I heard the words "Im sorry sir..It seems he's fallen into a coma.."

-Three months later-

I groaned softly as my eyes fluttered open "Ugh..turn off the lights.." I grumbled as bright white lights.

"Chase!!" I heard Dean exclaimed and suddenly his face appeared in front of me,he looked horrible and I couldnt help but stare at him.

"Baby..what happened to you?" I asked softly,reaching up and caressing his cheek gently,looking at him worried.

Dean didnt say anything,his arms wrapped themselves around me and held me tightly,I felt hot tears my shoulder.

"Baby...what is wrong with you? I've only been asleep a few hours" I said,Dean pulled away and shook his head,tears filling his eyes even more

"No you havent've been out longer then that" he said softly,earning a confused look from me

"How long have I been asleep?"