Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I watched Dean for a minute before standing up and walking off down the hall to the bedroom,smiling as I found a fresh pair of cloths and walked into the bathroom and started a hot shower.

I stripped down and stepped into the shower,sighing happily as the hot water relaxed my muscles,seesh..who knew being in a coma for three months made someone so sore..I grabbed my body wash and started cleaning myself.

Once I finished,I stepped out of the shower and dryed off and got dressed,I brushed my hair and teeth before walking back into the bedroom. As I stood there,an idea came to mind and I ran out to Dean.

"Dean! Dean!" I said happily,running up to him,Dean turned around and looked at me,rising an eyebrow

"What babe?" he asked,smiling. I jumped around happily at this new idea in my head.

"Im eighteen! I dont have to go to that school anymore! I can go to a new one! You no longer have to worry about losing your job!" I said happily

Dean gave me a weird look before he smiled brightly "Thats right!" he said,pulling me into his arms,kissing me deeply before letting me go.

I jumped from his arms and ran into the kitchen happily and started pulling things out to cook.

"Babe? What are you doing?" Dean asked as he walked into the kitchen

I looked at him before turning back to thr stove,smiling "Im gonna cook,yes,I do know how to cook" I said happily as I started the lunch for Dean and I.
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Sorry for such a short chapter,Im doing this via my ipod and its dieing on me.