Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

What the hell was going on? Paintball? what the fuck is paintball? I thought as I stared at this people around me, talking, I stared at them utterly confused " Look, I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking about? I have never played Paintball" I said,earning shocked looks from them.

"You've never played paintball? are you serious?" One guy said,staring at me, I nodded my head and gave them an apologatic look,earning sighs from everyone.

"Alright,Alright, we'll have to cover you then, Dean would have our head if something happened to you" he said before chatting with the guys then he looked back at me " Stay close to us,if you see a person in a diffent color then you, shoot them" he said, I stared at me then at the paintball gun in my hand and nodded my head.

" Alright..I think" I muttered, as they started moving around foreward, I kept close to two other guys until I caught up with Dean, feeling much better with him near by, I didn't know the other guys yet and felt kinda uncomfortable around them, I guess being out of it for three months does that to you..

"Did they tell you everything love?" Dean asked, gazing at me quickly before looking back around us, I sighed softly and looked around also, trying to remember what they told me.

"Kinda...I'm sorry, I was never allowed to play games like parents.." I muttered softly, I heard a growl like sound come from my boyfriend, causing my eyes to shoot at him for a minute, wondering what that was about..then I father.

I shook my head quickly and started looking around again,I spotted something up ahead and noticed quickly that it was a person in the oppsite color and aimed the best I could then fired like I was told from that one guy, I grinned as I hit him square in the chest.

" Its go time guys, newbie as hit a target" I heard Dean say with a smile. yes! Woohoo! I did it! I thought happily, a huge grin on my face.

I followed Dean deeper into the woods as the game got started.

Time skip

I groaned as we walked back into the lodge,god..everything hurt so much...I made my way over to the couch and fell face down on it, mumbling into the couch, I heard Dean chuckle as he sat down beside me.

I rolled over and faced him,pouting liightly " That shit hurts.." I grumbled, laying my head on his lap, smiling as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"It'll go away after a while sweetie"Dean said softly, smiling down at me, I nodded my head,streaching out my body,groaning as my sore muscles flexed.

sorry for such a short chapter everyone, next one will be longer I promise xD