Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I stared in horror at the gun that was being pointed at me,my back against the wall where's Dean?! Oh God! where is he!!!! my mind screamed as tears ran down my face "P-Please..don't kill me.." I whimpered, my voice small, my body shaking.

" Tell me where the damm money is!!" the man screamed, cocking the gun, making me scream as well and throw my arms up in horror.

" I don't know!! please!! I don't know!!" I exclaimed, I screamed when the man suddenly grabbed me by my hair and started pulling me down the hallway into mine and Dean's bedroom, kicking the door open and throwing me onto the floor, aimming the gun at me again.

" Where the fuck is the money!!" he exclaimed, firing a shot into the floor beside me as a warning.

" I SWEAR!! I DON"T KNOW!!!" I screamed,rolling away a little bit, not really wanting to piss this guy off even more.

" FINE! I look my damm self!! Don't you fuckin move!" he ordered before he started pulling the room apart, making sure to keep the gun posed on me.

Dean..Dean please..where ever you are please... I thought pleadingly as I stared at this man, my eyes widened even more as another walked into the room and seemed to eye me..something about the way he was looking at me didn't seem right.

" OH my...You caught a good lookin one man" the new guy spoke, the other man just grunted and moved the gun away from me. I contiuned to stare at the other man, a scream coming from me as he suddenly crossed the room and grabbed my hair, pulling me up and throwing me onto the bed.

" I think I'll have some fun with you" the man grinned through the mask he was wearing, My eyes widened even more and I tried to scoot away but didn't far when the man suddenly pinned me down onto the bed.

" D-Dont...please...don't do this.." I sobbed as the man started removing my cloths, throwing them away, I freaked out even more when the man flipped me onto my stomach, tieing my hands behind my back and ripped my pants off.please Dean..don't don't need to see this.. where my last thoughts before everything in my world crashed with a single thrust...