Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Chase -Point of View-

I sat there..for what seemed like hours..curled up against Dean,thinking about everything and it was then..after what happened that I realized that I had nothing..just Dean and that..I wanted more then anything else...

I turned to Dean and turned his face to him,I could see the pain and regret in his eyes "What's on your mind Chase..." he asked softly.

I laid my hand on his cheek "I know you feel like your to blame but please were angry and it was my fault..I shouldnt have been so hard headed" I said,leaning my forehead against his "I love you Dean and I want nothing more then to stay here with you forever..youdidnt fuck up our relationship baby.." he said.

Dean stared at me,I could seem fighting with himself about what I was say,I shook my head and gripped his "No! No seconds thoughts! No 'what ifs' I want this! Us!" I said,caressing his cheek.

Dean looked at me and nodded,a small smile crossing his face,earning one from me,this time reaching my eyes "I love you Chase"

I moved into his lap and snuggled against him "I love you too" I said softly,nuzzling my head into him,falling asleep.

-Time jump-

I groaned as I streached out on the couch,sitting up when I didnt see Dean anywhere. I moved my legs off the couch and stood up,walking outside.

I wrapped my arms around him,smiling happily as I snuggled into him from behind,I looked around him and saw him fiddling with a small box

"What's that baby?" I asked,pointing to the box.