Sequel: Brand New Start

Sense of A Spark

Dean -Point of View-

I fiddled with the box again before turning around and wrapping my arms around him. "That's for later tonight," I said, kissing him tenderly. Chase gladly returned it, smiling up at me as we pulled apart.

"Why can't you tell me the surprise now?" he asked, giving me such an adorable pout that I was so close to just telling him what it was -- or more like asking him. I was so sure I wanted to do this -- so sure that I wanted him to know that I was going to be there and keep him safe from now until the day I die.

"Because ... it wouldn't be much of a surprise tonight if I did it now," I said, smirking down at him. Chase just nodded as he wrapped his arms around my waist again and rested his head against my chest. Resting my head on his, we stood there, just enjoying the fact that we had each other. "I'm sorry for everything bad that's happened to you since we've been together," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.

Chase looked up at me, taking his hands and placing them on my face, making me look at him. "Baby, it's the bad things that happen that makes a relationship either stronger ... or break. And every single bad thing that's happened, I knew that you'd come to my help as fast as you possibly could," he whispered back, rubbing my jawline and then running his thumb across my bottom lip. "It's then that I realize that you truly care about me and want this to work out. I'd do the same thing for you if it came down to it."

"How in the hell do I deserve you?" I said, letting the tears fall freely. Chase just looked at me, studying my face, wiping away all tears that slipped down from my eyes. I felt like I didn't deserve his kindness ... his love ... his affection. And to think, all the good memories we've had started out as a secret kiss in the gym just a few short months ago.

"I honestly don't have an answer for that. I just have a feeling that you do ... and that we were meant to be. Whether now or years down the road ... we'll always be meant to be, Dean." I smiled down at him, pressing my forehead against his. He returned the smile, bringing his hands to my chest.

"I can't wait to give you the surprise tonight. I just hope you'll accept it," I said, hoping he didn't have a clue as to what I was planning. Though, I had a feeling he had a slight inkling about what I was going to do. If he did, he did well to keep it hidden.

"If it's from you, I'll always accept it," Chase replied, running his hands down my chest and then up to my face. "I love you, Dean Valeno."

Smiling, I lifted my head and kissed him lightly before saying, "I love you, too, Chase Greene." He flashed me a ear-to-ear grin, making a small laugh escape from me.

Time Elapse

We were downtown in an area where anything and everything was accepted, so we didn't have to hide that we were a loving couple. Walking into a decent restaurant -- not low like fast food or too high where just the smallest amount of food was over twenty dollars -- I gave the waiter at the podium my name and he walked us over to our table.

I told the waiter I wanted to do something special for Chase before we ordered, to make everything just right. Getting my drift, the waiter smiled and inconspicuously pointed me to the stage where a guitar was sitting on it's stand.

"Be right back, love," I whispered as I walked over to the stage. I felt Chase's eyes on me as well as some others who were here. I got on stage and grabbed the guitar, looking at Chase just as he was blushing. "I want to sing this song for the young man that stole my heart seven months ago and still holds it proudly," I said, causing some people to look at Chase, causing the blush in his face to deepen.

I started the music and moved my head along with the music, not taking my eyes off of Chase for a second.

"It's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,
No one will know,
Come on boy.
Who cares if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow,
Shots of patron,
And it's on boy.

Don't say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we'll go, go, go, go-go.
If you're ready, like I'm ready.

I continued to sing as I noticed Chase's eyes welling up. When I started singing the final chorus, I put the guitar down and walked over to Chase, pulling out the box that I had gotten earlier before he had woken up. I knelt down on one knee as the last line escaped my mouth, causing a lot of tension in the room.

I looked up at him, meeting his tear-filled gaze. "Chase, it took me a while to think it through, and I've finally came up with what I want to do, and that's spend the rest of my life by your side, through everything," I said, opening the small box, revealing a ring. "Chase Greene, will you marry me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I changed the words up.
But just one word to make it sound better for the occasion.
Song Credit goes to: Bruno Mars.
Song Title: Marry You